ALDI Cares Community Grants: Eligibility and Guidelines


To apply for support from ALDI, it is important to ensure that your organization meets the following requirements:

Organization Type

Your organization must be a US-based 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, a public or private K-12 school, or a Native American Tribe/Nation.


Organizations must be able to provide their IRS Form W-9, the most recent IRS Form 990 Schedule A, and 501(c)(3) certification or equivalent documentation for public entities, schools, and religious organizations.


All organizations applying for a community grant must be verified through YourCause before applying. We verify all 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations through YourCause to confirm that they meet all IRS requirements to receive a grant. If your organization is not listed or you are unable to be verified through YourCause, please contact YourCause prior to reaching out to ALDI.

Applying for Support

Organizations applying for support must have a primary focus or specific program that addresses one of ALDI’s core focuses, which is Children’s Health.

By ensuring that your organization meets the eligibility requirements and aligns with ALDI’s core focus, you can increase your chances of receiving support through ALDI Cares Community Grants.

Apply between 1st February 2024 to 15 December 2024

For more information visit:

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