Call for Proposals (CFP) is specifically related to the Regional Youth Project – UNDP

Call for Proposals from NGOs/CSOs
Youth civic and political participation in the Arab region baseline report and recommendations,country office sense making towards enhancing coherence and effectiveness of programmatic interventions
Ref. RBAS-RFI-041-2022


UNDP partners with people at all levels of society to help build societies that can withstand crisis,and drive and sustain the kind of growth that improves the quality of life for everyone. On the ground in 177 countries and territories, we offer global perspective and local insight to help empower lives and build resilient nations
This Call for Proposals (CFP) is specifically related to the Regional Youth Project
Building on the work undertaken to date through the research commissioned in early 2022 by the UNDP Regional Bureau for the Arab States youth team, which provides a preliminary baseline assessment about civic and policy engagement of youth in the MENA region, UNDP is looking to engage an NGO to conduct the second phase of the overall assignment which will cover the socialization of the research findings with relevant programmatic teams and colleagues in the UNDP Amman Regional Hub, country offices and headquarters, and the facilitation of a process of joint
This shall be done in two steps. The engaged NGO will deliver a presentation and design a virtual workshop that enables interested colleagues to engage with and make sense of the data and share experiences and good practices with colleagues across the region.This will be followed by country cluster deep dives aimed at extracting actionable intelligence and discuss potential entry points for designing programmatic interventions.
This will culminate in a regional flagship publication highlighting trends and patterns on youth civic and political participation
Detailed objectives, related outputs and deliverables are provided in the Terms of Reference –
Annex 1
Final Beneficiaries
Eligible proposals will be those focused on informing policy and programme design and targeting programme teams and therefore youth in the Arab region as the direct and final beneficiaries.

The parameters that will determine whether an NGO is eligible to be considered by UNDP will be based on the requirements indicated in the TOR.
 A legal and valid NGO registration recognized by the authorities in the country of registration
 A minimum 2 years proven experience in program design and implementation, in training and coaching students and activists on policy analysis, stakeholder engagement, and policy articulation
Proposed Methodology, Approach, Quality Assurance Plan and Implementation Plan – This section should demonstrate the NGO’s response to the TOR by identifying the specific components proposed, how the outputs/delivery shall be addressed, as specified; providing a detailed description of the essential performance characteristics proposed; identifying the works/portions of the work that will be subcontracted.
Moreover, the proposal should demonstrate how the proposed methodology meets or exceeds the TOR, while ensuring appropriateness of the approach to the local conditions and the rest of the project operating environment. This methodology must be laid out in an implementation timetable and a quality assurance.

Management Arrangement, Resources and Qualifications of Key Personnel – This section should include the comprehensive description of the management structure and information regarding required resources including curriculum vitae (CVs) of key personnel that will be assigned to support the implementation of the proposed methodology, clearly defining the roles and responsibilities visà-vis the proposed methodology. CVs should establish competence and demonstrate qualifications
in areas relevant to the TOR. For full details : Click

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