U.S. Embassy Sofia 2024 Ambassador Fund for Cultural Preservation Bulgaria

U.S. Embassy Sofia 2024 Ambassador Fund for Cultural Preservation Bulgaria (AFCP 2024)

Program Description:The U.S. Embassy Sofia Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) is inviting organizations to submit proposals for funding through the U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP). The AFCP Grants Program aims to support the preservation of archaeological sites, historic buildings and monuments, museum collections, and traditional cultural expressions, such as indigenous languages and crafts.

Applicants will go through a two-round application process. In Round 1, eligible applicants can submit concept notes to SofiaGrants@state.gov with the subject line “AFCP Application for Round 1” by January 8, 2024. Only those with promising ideas will be notified of the next steps.

Project objectives may include activities such as anastylosis (reassembling a site), conservation (addressing damage or deterioration), consolidation (connecting elements), documentation (recording condition and features), inventory (listing objects or traditions), preventive conservation (addressing threats or damage), restoration (recreating original appearance), and stabilization (reducing disturbance).

Federal Award Information:The closing date for applications is January 8, 2024. The funding type is a grant, with award amounts ranging from $10,000 to $500,000. The performance period can be between 12 to 60 months, subject to availability of funding.

Eligibility Information:Eligible project implementers include non-commercial entities such as NGOs, museums, educational institutions, and ministries of culture. U.S.-based educational institutions and organizations subject to Section 501(c)(3) of the tax code are also eligible. Individuals, commercial entities, and past award recipients who have not fulfilled previous objectives or reporting requirements are not eligible.

While cost sharing is encouraged, it is not required. Potential implementers must be registered and active in the U.S. government’s System for Award Management (SAM) to receive federal assistance. If an embassy’s project idea advances to Round 2 and the implementer is not registered, immediate registration is necessary. The registration process can take several weeks to complete.

For detailed information click here AFCP 2024 Program Grant Application Announcement – U.S. Embassy in Bulgaria (usembassy.gov)

Sofia Public Diplomacy Small Grants Bulgaria – ngoportal

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