Funds for Indian NGOs|ARTS-BASED LEARNING FUND|Paul Hamlyn Foundation

ARTS-BASED LEARNING FUND:This Fund supports work which enables pupils in formal education settings, particularly those experiencing systemic inequality or disadvantage, to thrive through engagement with high quality, arts-based learning.

Grants from £30,000 – £400,000 up to two or three years
Rolling application cycle – no deadlines

By arts-based learning we mean learning experiences which incorporate arts-based content, and/or use arts-based approaches to secure access to or enhance engagement with the curriculum. Formal education settings may include Early Years, Primary, Secondary, Alternative Provision and Further Education.

The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the way in which systemic inequality and barriers to learning have a huge impact on the life chances of children and young people. The disruption to education during Covid-19 has led to significant learning loss which has disproportionately impacted those pupils already experiencing barriers to engaging in education. The disruption has also adversely affected children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing through loss of structure, social connection and safe space. We want to support work that tackles this challenge head on.

As education settings support recovery and rebuild their learning communities we believe that arts-based teaching and learning can add value and play a role in helping them achieve their aspirations for pupils, particularly those experiencing systemic inequality and barriers to learning. Through the Covid-19 crisis we have been made increasingly aware that inequality plays out in ways that connect and intersect across race, gender, sexuality, class, disability and other characteristics. We recognise the importance of strong partnerships between education settings and the arts and cultural sectors and acknowledge the uncertain and complex environment that both sectors are working within. We want to support activity which helps in this context

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