Global Forest Watch Small Grants Fund

Small Grants Fund:The Global Forest Watch Small Grants Fund seeks to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations to reduce illegal or unplanned deforestation and sustainably manage forests by incorporating GFW into forest monitoring strategies. Successful projects translate data into action, applying GFW to overcome challenges in protecting the world’s forests.

Global Forest Watch Small Grants Fund: Strengthening Forest Monitoring and Conservation Efforts.
The Global Forest Watch Small Grants Fund (SGF) aims to empower civil society organizations in their efforts to combat illegal and unplanned deforestation and promote sustainable forest management. By incorporating the Global Forest Watch (GFW) system into their forest monitoring strategies, successful projects can translate data into actionable initiatives to protect the world’s forests. GFW is a free forest monitoring system that provides timely and valuable information to support the sustainable management and conservation of forest landscapes. Since its launch in 2014, the GFW website has attracted over 7 million users from every country in the world. Civil society organizations, journalists, communities, governments, and companies around the globe rely on GFW to understand where, when, and why deforestation is occurring and take necessary action to address it. To learn more about the 2024 grant cycle, please visit the Global Forest Watch website. The application period for the 2024 grants is open until February 13th, 2024, at 23:59 PM EST. All applications must be submitted in English to be considered. The Small Grants Fund focuses on projects that fall into one or more of the following approaches: 1. Advocacy: Utilizing GFW data and imagery alongside community territorial maps to advocate for land titles and strengthened land rights. Creating open data platforms to compile and publish data on concessions overlapping with ancestral lands, and supporting communities in applying public pressure to revoke these concessions. 2. Forest Monitoring and Enforcement: Developing the capacity of forest monitoring brigades to conduct field verifications using the Forest Watcher mobile application and other technologies. Collaborating with enforcement officials to halt unplanned or illegal deforestation. Assisting indigenous communities in developing response protocols, legal strategies, and compiling evidence of illegal deforestation for submission to law enforcement. 3. Journalism and Storytelling: Publishing stories, data visualizations, and videos that highlight illegal deforestation and its impact on local livelihoods and ecosystems. Utilizing GFW data to analyze the effects of proposed development projects on local communities and forest biodiversity, and sharing these findings through traditional and social media channels. 4. Stakeholder Engagement and Capacity Building: Building the capacity of indigenous or local communities and law enforcement agencies to utilize GFW tools and alert systems for monitoring and responding to forest threats. Working with forest-fringing communities to co-design land defense strategies using GFW and other technologies. Creating online courses to educate non-experts on using GFW tools to investigate and report deforestation in their areas. 5. Informing Land Use Management and/or Policy: Training smallholder farmers to monitor and manage their areas using forest, land use, and carbon data. Conducting high-quality research using GFW insights to develop policy briefs that influence land use practices for sustainable land management and long-term planning. Identifying and establishing areas or jurisdictions as nature-based solutions or payment for ecosystem services projects and monitoring compliance using GFW. For more information on the Global Forest Watch Small Grants Fund and to apply for the 2024 grant cycle, please visit the provided link. Together, we can make a difference in protecting our precious forests.

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