HCL Grants 2022

The HCL Grant is applicable for NGOs working in the field of Education, Health and Environment with experience of implementing projects in rural India. We encourage organisations from all over India to apply with innovative, replic​able and sustainable models, which can make significant contribution towards rural development.

Applicants fulfilling defined eligibility criteria are required to fill the online application form which includes Organisational Profile and Project Abstract along with some mandatory documents.

REGISTRATION: Register your organisation by filling in the following details – your name, your organisation’s name, a unique username, a valid email address, address including state and city, valid mobile number, relevant thematic areas in which your organisation is working and a password on HCL Grant website. To register,

The applicant organization must be a registered entity and qualify the defined eligibility criteria. Further, the name on the application form must match with the registration certificate and other regulatory documents such as PAN, Audited Financials, 80G, 12A, FCRA, etc.

The organization must have adequate experience of working in rural areas in India.

The by-laws of the organization must allow it to undertake a project in the proposed thematic category.

The organization must have a good rapport with the local administration in the proposed project’s location.

The organization, including its governing body members, must not have any pending litigations.

The organization must not be blacklisted by any government agency/department/ministry, donor, or international agency.

The organization must not have faced cancellation of its license/registration/membership, etc., from the regulatory and/or statutory body. These shall cover (but not be limited to) FCRA, EPF, PT, Income Tax, 12A, 80G, GST, PAN, etc.

The organization, including governing board members, must not have any negative media coverage or any other controversy associated with it.

The organization or its board members or employees must not have any political or religious affiliations.

The organization (if announced as winner or runners-up) must open a separate and new bank account for HCL Grant Funds.

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