IGSTC Call for Joint Research and Development Proposal 2016: 2+2 Mode of Partnership between India and Germany: Indo-German Science & Technology Centre (IGSTC) Invites Pre-Pro Partners: IGST a joint in promote Invites Pre-Pro partners. Deadline: 16 January 2017
The Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) are seeking applicants for its Indo-German Science & Technology Centre (IGSTC) with an aim to support Joint R&D&l projects of industrial relevance by means of “2+2 partnership”. The Centre envisions to:
Advance industrial research partnership with mutuality of interest and respect
Create a platform for cross fertilisation of ideas
Develop knowledge networks for industrial sectors to enhance competitiveness
Establish joint knowledge pools to address global challenges
Serve as a Nerve center to promote Indo-German technology partnership
Thematic Area
The overall thematic area “smart Cities” with the subtopics:
Integrated water management and sanitation system for urban settings.
Energy efficiency in built environment.
Technologies for the utilization of waste (Waste to Wealth Generation Technologies).
Funding is provided in the form of non-repayable grants amounting about € 450,000 per project from German side to the German partners, and INR 230 Lac from Indian side to the Indian partners for a period of up to three years, to cover costs for staff and other costs.
Eligibility: Applicants from research organisations, state and non-state institutions of higher education, universities, non-university research institutions, and public or private companies having R&D bases (i.e. DSIR recognition for in-house R&D in case of Indian industry partner) are eligible to submit applications. Above organisations from India and Germany can apply.Applicants should be in regular positions only.
An Indian / German company is defined as one which is registered in the respected country with 51% or more ownership held by the respective countries citizens.
The project proposal should be submitted online using PT-Outline through the given website.
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