Apply for Ashoka Grants by Khyentse Foundation Apply by 16 August 2024

Introduction to Ashoka Grants

The Khyentse Foundation offers a broad spectrum of grants and scholarships, under the Ashoka Grants program, to support various dharma-related activities. Whether you’re a Buddhist teacher, student, scholar, translator, practitioner, or retreatant, from any tradition and any part of the world, you are invited to apply. The grants aim to foster the growth and proliferation of dharma activities globally.

Eligibility and Application Process

Eligible applicants include individuals and organizations actively involved in projects related to Buddhism. However, certain proposals such as those for building projects, film projects, or non-Buddhist activities will not be considered. It’s essential to provide a detailed explanation of the budget and scope of your project. Review committees appointed by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche will evaluate each application.

Application Requirements and Important Dates

If you are applying for the first time, you’ll need to create a Submittable account using a reliable email address as this will be the primary mode of communication. Note that you cannot change this email address once set. To ensure you receive all notifications, add Submittable to your email safelist. The application deadline is 16 August 2024, and applicants will be notified of the decisions approximately four months following this date.

Funding Details and Recommendations

The Ashoka Grants typically range from $1,000 to $5,000, though applications with larger budgets may also be reviewed. These grants act as seed money to help initiate or expand promising programs. Khyentse Foundation encourages programs to aim for self-sufficiency and explore other sources of funding. Complete funding may not always be possible, and partial funding could be offered.


The Khyentse Foundation looks forward to receiving sincere and well-explained applications to support dharma activities globally. To apply, click the ‘Apply’ button on the Khyentse Foundation website and start your journey towards supporting your Buddhist initiative with Ashoka Grants.

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