Bank of America Charitable Foundation – Empowering Economic Mobility for Individuals and Families

a person riding a motorcycle down a street

At Bank of America, our mission is to improve financial lives and drive social progress through Responsible Growth. We are committed to addressing economic mobility and meeting the needs of the community. By aligning our resources, including financing, client products and services, philanthropy, and internal operations, we strive to make a meaningful and sustainable impact on society’s biggest challenges.

One of our key initiatives is to develop strong partnerships with nonprofit organizations that focus on economic mobility in low- and moderate-income communities. We prioritize investments in health, jobs, small business resiliency, and community development to improve the lives of individuals and families.

In the realm of health, we recognize that many communities in the United States lack equal access to essential resources for healthier living. Generations of limited access to care and health resources have led to poorer health outcomes in under-resourced communities. To address this, we support programs and organizations that tackle the economic and social factors influencing family stability and individual health. These include initiatives that provide access to quality community-based healthcare, mental health counseling, substance use disorder treatment, and rehabilitation. We also invest in programs that promote access to nutritious and fresh food, as well as those that provide dietary education for individuals with underlying health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and heart health.

Family stabilization is another critical area of focus for us. We support crisis prevention programs and wraparound services that offer immediate and safe shelter, as well as free or subsidized benefits like internet access, utilities, childcare, transportation, financial assistance, and recovery. Additionally, we fund programs aimed at preventing and ending homelessness, such as emergency shelters, rapid-rehousing, rental and utility assistance, and permanent supportive housing.

We invite nonprofit organizations working in these areas to submit their proposals. Applications for the first category will be accepted from January 22 to February 16, 2024, while applications for the second category will open on May 27 and close on June 21, 2024.

To learn more about our charitable foundation and funding opportunities, please visit our website: [Bank of America Charitable Foundation Funding]

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