Call for Proposals on Climate Fragility Risks

Open Call for Proposals on Climate Fragility Risks

A. INTRODUCTION: Around the globe, climate change increases the frequency and severity of natural disaster events, including heat waves, droughts, floods, and rising sea levels all of which threaten lives and livelihoods. Communities in fragile and crisis-affected settings are hit particularly hard, as they have insufficient capacities to manage,
absorb and mitigate complex, interlinking risks. Unlocking the full potential of data and analytics is key to helping policymakers, practitioners, and researchers understand, formulate, and assess appropriate and context-specific responses for earlier, faster, more targeted, and dignified crisis action that better matches people’s needs with solutions.

This first Open Call for Proposals (hereafter “Open Call”) by the newly established Complex Risk Analytics Fund (CRAF’d) is seeking projects that advance analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to assist global and local stakeholders in anticipating, preventing, and responding to the consequences of climate fragility risks
across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus.

Theme:Analytics and AI to anticipate, prevent, and respond to climate fragility risks CRAF’d funding window B – Analytics, Knowledge, and Capacity

Available funding USD 3 million
Grant size USD 500,000 – 750,000
Project duration Maximum 24 months
Opening of call Last week of October 2022
Deadline for concept notes 25 November 2022
Deadline for project proposals 6 February 2023
Anticipated disbursement of funding March 2023

C. ABOUT CRAF’D: The use of data and analytics to manage complex risks in crisis-affected and fragile settings is sub-optimal.
Gaps in data collection remain wide, many stakeholders lack technical expertise to generate insights from data, and too often, analytical work takes place in siloes, to the detriment of the world’s most vulnerable populations. The result is lost potential: insights are insufficient and often do not translate into action.

CRAF’d is a multilateral financing instrument with the goal of supporting scalable, sustainable, and wellgoverned ecosystems that unlocks the full value of data for greater resilience and stronger support to people and planet – when and where it matters most. Through its investments, CRAF’d expands shared capabilities
of partners to use data for anticipation, prevention, and response to complex risks in crisis-affected and fragile settings across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus.
CRAF’d has a target of allocating USD 15-25 million annually through two funding windows. Allocations through funding window A help to ensure the sustainable provision of essential risk datasets as a common good. CRAF’d allocations through window B are designed to support the continuous expansion of analytics capabilities to better anticipate, prevent, and respond to complex risks.

For detailed information click hereOpen+Call+for+Proposals_final.pdf (

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