Digital Freedom Fund: Supporting Digital Rights Advocacy in Europe

Digital Freedom Fund: Supporting Digital Rights Advocacy in Europe
The Digital Freedom Fund (DFF) is an organization that works with a broad definition of digital rights, considering them to be human rights applicable in the digital sphere. This encompasses both physically constructed spaces, such as infrastructure and devices, as well as virtually constructed spaces, like online identities and communities. DFF accepts grant applications from digital rights advocates, including NGOs and other entities pursuing public interest objectives, pro bono lawyers, and litigators seeking to protect and advance digital rights in Europe. The organization not only funds digital rights organizations but also provides support to movements and organizations working on racial, social, feminist, queer, environmental, migrant rights, and economic justice issues. Grant amounts requested by litigators vary depending on the operational models and complexities of each case. DFF evaluates each case individually, considering both general grantmaking criteria and cost-efficiency principles. The annual grants budget for 2020-2023 ranged from EUR 600,000 to EUR 800,000, with 15-20 applications approved per year. The average size of a litigation track support grant is around EUR 50,000, while the average size of a pre-litigation research support grant is around EUR 30,000. DFF considers litigation to be strategic when it has the potential to extend its impact beyond the parties directly involved in the case and bring about legislative, policy, or social change. Successful applications must demonstrate careful consideration and motivation regarding the objectives of the litigation, embedding it in a broader strategy for change, addressing the negative impact on marginalized groups, selecting the best forum for litigation, and identifying necessary instances of litigation. The application process for DFF grants is currently open, with the deadline for submission on February 14, 2024. To assist applicants, the organization provides application guides and showcases examples of the digital rights work it supports on its case studies page. Additionally, DFF offers “Ask us Anything” calls for further clarification and guidance. For those who are not yet ready to submit an application, DFF will open another call for applications around mid-2024. To learn more about DFF and apply for a grant, visit their website: [link to website]

The Digital Freedom Fund (DFF) is an organization that works with a broad definition of digital rights, considering them to be human rights applicable in the digital sphere. DFF accepts grant applications from digital rights advocates, including NGOs and other entities pursuing public interest objectives, pro bono lawyers, and litigators seeking to protect and advance digital rights in Europe. Learn more about DFF and apply for a grant on their website. –
Other grants – Gender Equality Grants: Empowering Women through Journalism (

Application process – Digital Freedom Fund

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