Empowering Movements: AmplifyChange Network Grants 2024

Introduction to AmplifyChange Network Grants

Apply by 2nd July 2024 -AmplifyChange Network Grants for 2024 are designed to foster stronger and more inclusive movements advocating for sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR). These grants play a crucial role in ensuring that a movement is well-resourced, contributing to the equitable and effective allocation of resources across the movement.

Grant Details and Eligibility

AmplifyChange Network grants concept notes are open for submission until July 2. The duration of a network grant spans from 2 to 3 years, with the grant amounts ranging from GBP 225,000 to GBP 600,000. This year, AmplifyChange has expanded its eligibility criteria to include smaller-sized networks, taking a more inclusive approach to supporting grassroots initiatives.

Application Tips

Managing a network can be complex, and AmplifyChange is looking for organizations with robust management systems in place or plans to implement them during the grant period. It is important for applicants to be realistic and apply for an amount that best suits their organization and project needs. Ensuring strong management and realistic budgeting will enhance the chances of a successful application.


AmplifyChange’s Network Grants 2024 provide a significant opportunity for networks advocating for SRHR to gain the resources they need to make a difference. By expanding eligibility criteria and encouraging realistic applications, AmplifyChange aims to support a diverse range of initiatives. For more information and to apply, visit the official website here.

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