Grant Application Guidelines for AirAsia Foundation

Grant Application Guidelines for AirAsia Foundation Grant Application:
AirAsia Foundation’s grant-making is aimed at helping social enterprises scale up as a way of empowering communities and enabling them to build sustainable livelihoods. Applicants must be registered and be based in ASEAN, and have a minimum two-year business track record. NGOs looking to diversify funding sources through social enterprise are also welcomed to submit an application.

The scope of your proposal should clearly define a new initiative or expansion of an existing initiative based on a set of targets achievable within a 12-month period. This may include investment needed to develop and market new products or services, train new community members, or purchase new equipment for the planned expansion. Applications must clearly explain how the investment will enable the organization to improve its income-generating capacity to fully or partially fund future activities. We do not accept applications for organizations to finance operating cash flow or to fund the purchase of land or buildings.

Our priority is to support smaller social enterprises that face funding constraints through conventional channels to grow their businesses. We advise applicants to review our past and current awards to gain a better understanding of our grantee profile.

Application Guidelines:Our main criteria for selection are:

Impact on intended beneficiaries:We would like to know about your social objectives and how your enterprise is meeting your goals. Tell us about your communities and how they will be impacted.

Innovativeness of the approach:We are interested to know how your social enterprise stands out from others. Are you applying a new approach or creating a product or service with a unique selling point?

Sustainability beyond the funding period:An important criterion we look out for is financial sustainability. Tell us how our grant can help you generate income that can be reinvested into growing your business.

Ability to tap on AirAsia’s strengths:Other than grant funding, is there any other way you can tap on the AirAsia network to further your objectives?

In addition to the criteria above, we also look out for:

Location, location, location: To enable us to promote your social enterprises to our guests, we prioritize social enterprises that are based in a village/town/city that is within reasonable reach of an airport served by AirAsia in ASEAN.
Track record: We will only fund organizations that are managed competently through accountability, cost-consciousness, and effective leadership.
Volunteerism: As far as possible, we would like to engage AirAsia Allstars in the Foundation’s work. If your organization has programs for corporate volunteers, we would like to know about them.

For more information and to access the grant application form, please visit the AirAsia Foundation website.

Learn about the grant application process for social enterprises. Find out how AirAsia Foundation supports smaller social enterprises through funding and empowering communities. Discover the criteria for selection and how to tap on AirAsia’s strengths. Visit the AirAsia Foundation website for more information and access to the grant application form.

countires: Brunei,Cambodia,Indonesia,Laos, Malaysia,Myanmar, Philippines,Singapore,Thailand,Vietnam,

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