Van Tienhoven Foundation Small Grants for Biodiversity Conservation

Van Tienhoven Foundation Small Grants for Biodiversity Conservation

Applications are invited for Van Tienhoven Foundation Small Grants for Biodiversity Conservation. Last date to Apply 31 January 2023

Biodiversity, Conservation, Wildlife:
The Van Tienhoven Foundation for International Nature Protection promotes the protection, conservation, and sustainable use of ecosystems and their living organisms. The Foundation aims to counter the human-induced causes of threats to biodiversity. Grants are for projects outside of the Netherlands, and they should be initiated and owned or widely supported by local stakeholders. Non-profit organizations are eligible to apply. Government organizations, companies or individuals are not supported. The maximum grant is €10 thousand. The next application deadline is 31 January 2023. Link to the Van Tienhoven Foundation

Application process:The Van Tienhoven Foundation (co-)sponsors projects with a maximum of €10,000 through an annual call for proposals. The next call opens on 1 January 2023 and the last date for submission is 31 January 2023 (midnight, CET).

The following application process is used: Grantseekers start the application process by submitting a project proposal through the online application form (only available within the set time frame for the specific call for proposals). Only completed application forms in English will be accepted. To help you prepare your application you may download this Word document docx.

Upon submission, grantseekers agree with the privacy policy of the van Tienhoven Foundation, and agree that (meta) data from the application may be published in the public domain via a Creative Commons license CC-BY-4.0 with proper citation to the grantseekers organization. The Van Tienhoven Foundation will provide the grantseeker with information prior to such publication.

All applications will be checked in respect to the eligibility criteria. Applications that do not meet these criteria will not be proceeding to the assessment phase.

All applications that pass the eligibility criteria will be assessed based on assessment criteria. The Board of the Van Tienhoven Foundation performs these assessments unremunerated and may involve unremunerated external specialists in these assessments. After the assessment of applications, the Board may form a set of shortlisted applications.

The shortlisted applications will be contacted by the Board. Additional information is requested from each applicant at this stage. Applicants are requested to supply the names of two independent referees. The Board may at this stage also seek additional unremunerated referees to appraise applications.

Based on all information provided the Board makes a final selection of projects to be funded.

Applicants will receive a decision by the Board within twelve weeks after the submission deadline. Decisions are at the discretion of the Board and arguments will not be given for positive or negative decisions. To apply click the link below: