Wikimedia Rapid Fund

Wikimedia Rapid Fund

The Wikimedia Foundation provides support to individuals, groups, organizations and affiliates around the world that are actively working on promoting knowledge equity aligned with the strategic direction of the Wikimedia movement.

We will increase investment of resources in underrepresented Wikimedia communities around the world.

Wikimedia Rapid Fund: Short-term, low-cost projects by individuals, groups, or organizations contributing to Wikimedia projects. This program is comparable to the previous Rapid Grants program.
45 days processing time; average funding amount: 500 – 5,000 USD (If your grant budget falls below 500 USD or exceeds 5000 USD please contact us for support.)

Please note, you can also request swag from Wikipedia Store. Please review the Requesting swag page for more details.

Eligibility criteria: The following are basic criteria that must be met by all Wikimedia Community Fund applicants in order for a proposal to be reviewed:

Applicant must follow the Universal Code of Conduct and Friendly Space Policies
Youth Safety Policy must be in place for any activity that involves underage community members
Applicant is within a country that can legally receive funding for the described activities and expenses based on laws on sending and receiving funds in the United States and their country
Applicant does not appear on the United States Department of Treasury Specially Designated Nationals And Blocked Persons List (SDN)
Applicants must be in compliance with all requirements and in good standing for any current activities funded through the Wikimedia Foundation
Works and contributions must be able to be published under ethical, open access agreements
Applications must be for future, planned work
Proposed activities that meet the United States Internal Revenue Service definition of lobbying cannot be funded.[1]
Applicants receiving funding must not be Wikimedia Foundation staff members or contractors working more than part time (more than 20 hours per week).
Proposals that fit certain criteria are not eligible for review in the Wikimedia Community Fund:
Proposals that are primarily focused on research activities should be submitted to the Wikimedia Research Fund.
Proposals that are primarily focused on software development should be submitted to the Wikimedia Technology Fund.

Youth Safety
If the proposal indicates direct contact with children or youth, it also outlines compliance with international and local laws for working with children and youth, and provides documentation of the local laws in the annex.
The proposal demonstrates how they will ensure the safe engagement of young people in all of the project’s activities.
The proposal demonstrates that any adults who will be working in close contact with young people have been properly vetted and trained.
The proposal outlines an action protocol in the case that incidents occur relating to the physical and psychological safety of young people.
Some examples of what we fund
Individuals coordinating local events related to a global campaign in their community.
Cultural and heritage projects that support contribution of content, curation of the content and promote accessibility of that content.
Strategic and annual plans from Wikimedia Movement Affiliates
Local, regional, and thematic conferences that bring together Wikimedians
Common expenses supported through previous grant programs such as (but not limited to):
Working space, services, prizes, outreach, and other common costs needed to support edit-a-thons, contests, photowalks, and promotional campaigns.
Data costs to support access to online events
Travel for organizers and participation
Compensation for well-defined roles that do not replace volunteer activities, including (but not limited to) graphic design, training, childcare services, translation, project management, and Wikimedian-in-Residence roles.
Regional Committees will have flexibility to fund projects and expenses that applicants identify based on their specific context and situational needs, and may support additional requests not described here

Click the link for further information and to Apply:

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