Coca-Cola Foundation Grants

The Coca-Cola India Foundation, a Company registered under Section 25 of the Companies’ Act is committed to sustainable development and inclusive growth by focusing on issues relating to water, the environment, healthy living and social advance so that it can contribute to a strong and resolute India enabling the common man to better his or her life.

In order to promote the Foundation’s objectives, monetary grants and other assistance are being provided to NGOs, beneficiary organizations, cooperatives, philanthropies and such others who are the potential partners in implementing projects for social welfare across the Country.

The Foundation seeks to ensure project execution, maintenance and sustainability through the active involvement and direct participation of the beneficiary community at the grass-root level.

Coca-Cola Foundation Grants

Grant requests will be considered only if the proposal falls within the Mission Objectives of the Foundation and the applicant satisfies the Foundation on its commitment to the same. The applicant seeking the grant has to be transparent and forthcoming on its aims and objectives, financial status, performance and experience in the past. Grant requests should have the following characteristics

The project proposal of the applicant should be able to demonstrate an innovative and challenging idea underlying the needs of the beneficiary community and alignment with the Foundation’s Mission Objectives.

The project proposal should highlight clear and realistic goals, timeframe, work plan and budget – including the quantum of assistance involved, and the proportion of assistance to be mobilized through other sources including by the applicant organization itself.

The anticipated impact of the project on the beneficiary community needs to be specifically defined and the measures indentified that would guarantee project maintenance and sustainability within an effective framework of community engagement and ownership. The grant seekers would need to include a long-term plan to transfer the responsibility and ownership of development models to the local communities.

An important criteria for evaluation of projects would be the previous projects successfully implemented by the applicant and certification received by the State/Central Government, or the beneficiary community, in respect of the project.

Organizations requesting grants from the Foundation would be required to meet the following criterion prior to submission of any proposal to the Foundation:

The organization should have been in existence for a minimum of 5 years.
The organization should be registered as a Trust/Society/not-for-profit company under applicable law that implements social development projects in India.
The organization should have a Governing Board/ Council and should disclose the profile of the Board Members including the Chairperson, Directors and key employees of the organization.
The organization should have a proven track record in the delivery of quality services in specific fields, good implementation history, capacity of personnel to manage the project on prescribed schedules and targets.
The organization should have a good working relationship and contacts with the communities.
The organization should not be affiliated with any political party.
The organization should ensure compliance with laws and regulations.
The organization should follow transparent accounting practices. It should provide signed audited statements along with the statutory auditor’s reports.

As a part of their grant application, the organization must develop a concrete plan of action towards long-term sustainability of the projects and possible replication.
The objective of the project/program should be consistent with the objectives of the Coca-Cola India Foundation.
The beneficiaries of the projects must primarily be the poor, the backward/ the tribals, the underprivileged, the physically challenged, and the socially deprived.
The project should have defined indicators / milestones, which will monitor the performance against stated objectives.

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