Diversion Based Irrigation

Diversion based irrigation

Diversion Based Irrigation: Proposals Invited

Sir Dorabji Tata Trust and the Allied Trusts seek applications from NGOs, research institutions and universities on the promotion of Diversion Based Irrigation (DBI) in India.

A diversion based irrigation system is one which diverts a portion of water from a natural stream/water course/river and uses it with or without intermediate storage for the purpose of irrigating crops and for other human ends.

Four sub-types of diversion based schemes can be identified for programming:

  • Schemes which tap a small mountainous stream to irrigate up to 40 ha of land (gravity flow irrigation, phad, pukhar, tar bandhs, etc.).
  • Schemes based on small rivers and which can, with or without intermediate storage irrigate lands belonging to a single village (small Ahar Pyne schemes, small Dongs and small Guls).
  • Schemes which are based on rivers and with intermediate storage can irrigate land in several villages (large Ahar Pyne schemes or Dongs or Guls).
  • Small schemes which essentially divert run-off water in low rain fall areas for small scale storage and subsequent use by marginal land holders (Tankas of Rajasthan).

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