Global Innovation Fund: Funding Innovations to Improve Lives in Developing Countries

What We Fund

At Global Innovation Fund, we are dedicated to seeking out innovations that have the potential to improve the lives of millions of people living in poverty. We believe that innovation can come from anyone, anywhere, and we accept applications from any sector in any developing country.

Who Can Apply

We welcome applications from all types of organizations, including social enterprises, for-profit companies, non-profit organizations, government agencies, international organizations, and research institutions. We also encourage individual innovators, entrepreneurs, or researchers to apply through an affiliated organization.

What We Do Not Fund

While we are open to innovations that meet our criteria in any sector or country, there are certain activities that we do not fund:

  1. Theoretical research or purely lab-based activities that are not linked to the implementation of a specific proposed real-world pilot or demonstration project.
  2. Approaches that are only applicable in a single country, unless the innovation is expected to scale to a large proportion of one of the world’s most populous developing countries.
  3. Innovations that involve supporting a political candidate or party.
  4. Innovations where the primary purpose is to support the broader innovation ecosystem, such as incubators, accelerators, or other innovation funds.
  5. Innovations involving any product or activity deemed illegal under applicable laws or regulations or subject to internationally agreed phase-outs or bans, such as dealing with certain hazardous chemicals or ozone-depleting substances, and any activity endangering protected wildlife.
  6. Innovations that involve the production or use of luxury goods, soliciting prostitution or engaging in human trafficking, terrorist activity, or the use of prohibited drugs, gambling, and pornography.

Additionally, we adhere to robust environmental, social responsibility, and corporate governance (ESG) standards. Every potential innovation we fund is evaluated against these standards, including adherence to our code of conduct and ESG policy, which includes safeguarding requirements.

If you would like to learn more about what we fund or how to apply for funding, please visit our website: and

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