ICSSR – Call For Senior Fellowships

ICSSR – Call For Senior Fellowships for the year 2016-17 from Indian social scientists. The proposals should be in the field of social science disciplines or may be of interdisciplinary in nature. Fellowships are reserved for SC/ST categories as per Government of India rules.

1. General
1.1 Senior Fellowships are awarded to established social science scholars for conducting research on specific themes and issues proposed by the applicants. The broad disciplines of study, within the domain of social sciences, are:

(i) Sociology and Social Anthropology;
(ii) Political Science / Public Administration;
(iii) Economics;
(iv) International Studies;
(v) Social Geography and Population Studies;
(vi) Commerce and Management;
(vii) Social Psychology;
(viii) Education;
(ix) Social Linguistics / Cultural Studies
(x) Law / International Law
(xi) National Security & Strategic Studies;
(xii) Other allied Social Science disciplines.

1.2 Senior Fellowships are aimed at providing opportunities to outstanding social scientists to engage themselves in full-time research on important themes of their choice or to write books based on their research.


How to Apply

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