ICSSR Senior Fellowships Eligibility

2. ICSSR Senior Fellowships Eligibility

2.1 Senior Fellowships are awarded to social scientists with outstanding research publications. Social workers, journalists and civil servants, known for their academic interests with a record of publications may also be considered. Candidate should not be more than 68 at the time of submitting the application.

2.2 Scholars who are in regular teaching/research faculty positions in publicly funded University or research institutions or ICSSR funded/recongnised institutions may apply under the salary protection scheme (see 5.2).

2.3 At least 80% of the Senior Fellowships will be awarded to scholars under the salary protection scheme.

2.4 The selected fellows are expected to do full time research in India. They could however undertake field trip outside India, if the Expert Committee finds it to be necessary for their research. In such cases, ICSSR may reimburse travel expenses directly to the scholar as per Council rules.

2.5 While accepting any fellowships from the Council, a fellow should not accept fellowship from any other organization. A fellow would not be eligible for another fellowship from the Council for five years from the date of termination of fellowship.

2.6 Defaulters of any previous grant of ICSSR under any scheme will not be eligible for consideration until the applicant has obtained the clearance of the relevant administrative division of the ICSSR.

2.7 Besides, a conscious effort shall be made to favourably consider while sanctioning grants to women, minorities, differently abled persons and persons belonging to educationally backward districts as declared by Govt of India.

How to Apply

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