Rayagada District NGOs Odisha

Rayagada District NGOs Odisha,NGOs in odisha,Indian NGOs,Funds for Indian NGOs,NGO Database


 The main objectives of Agragamee are: To create an educational climate in pockets of illiteracy 2. To bring about socio-economic change in remote tribal pockets 3. To develop community…
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Society For Welfare Animation & Development

Activities: Child Rights, Health and Livelihood SecurityAim/Objective/Mission: ————————————————————————————–TO PROMOTE LIVELIHOOD, EDUCATION, H…
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Activities: Women Child Welfare , Womens Empowerment ,Agricultural Development Aim/Objective/Mission:  make people empower to lead a diginified life with gdiginity and pride…
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Ekta Vidya Mandira Trust

Activities: Education for all Aim/Objective/Mission: 1. To develop institution for the Disabled, Tribal’s and other economically and socially Backwards needy students to provide Education, …
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 Activities: RURAL DEVELOPMENT Aim/Objective/Mission:CHILD WELFARE.    …………………………………………………………. for ngo management inf. vi…
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MISSION Develop the potentials of the Adivasis, Harizans, Women and under privileged to manage the process of development. We aim at developing the human potentials of the unprivileged and underprivi…
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women empowerment community development upliftment of ST/SC people…
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Shakti Organisation

 Vision At Shakti Organisation we work to bring about a society where every person is healthy, economically well off and literate. Mission Our mission is to catalyse a sustainable development pro…
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ALISHA(Association for Luminous & Intentive Social Health Awareness)

 • To promote and undertake social activities for the betterment of the people. • To inculcate the people on environmental awareness and to promote plantation, social forester, health c…
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Bethel Association

 To assist the poorest of the poor and the needy toward alleviation of suffering, upliftment of the deprived, disabled, marginalized affected by ill health, social unrest, natural calamities irre…
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(ARUNI) Action for Rural Upliftment and National Integration

 (ARUNI) Action for Rural Upliftment and National Integration is an NGO working in Rayagada district of Odisha with the following aims and objectives. To facilitate empowerment, solidarity a…
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AKSSUS: Adivasi Krushi Swasthya Sikhya Unnayan Samiti

Akssus aspires for a new world order which is just participatory and eco friendly where people live with dignity and are free from hunger, ill health,illiteracy,exploitation,fear,discrimination and vi…
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