Madhya Pradesh Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS – (MPNP+) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FROM ORGANIZATIONS WISHING TO REGISTER AS SUB-SUB RECIPIENTS (SSR) in Sagar and Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh) WITH ALLIANCE INDIA FOR Vihaan – A Global Fund Supported Programme
I: Introduction: Alliance India (AI) as Principal Recipient (PR) has been awarded the Grant funded
by Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), for the programme known as Vihaan, which means Dawn’s First Light.
MPNP+, is a community base organization and Sub Recipient for Grant funded by Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), grant for Madhya Pradesh.
II: Background of the programme: Current HIV/ AIDS estimates in India suggest overall prevalence of 0.26% among adults (15- 49 years) in 2015, with approximately 2.1 million people living with HIV (PLHIV) as per NACO Report (2015).  Children under 15 years of age account for 6.54% of all infections, while 40.5% of all HIV infections are estimated to be among women. Care, Support & Treatment (CST) is an integral component of the National AIDS Control Programme (NACP). During NACP II, the emphasis was on low cost AIDS care that included treatment for Opportunistic infections and Community Care Centres for PLHIV. However, the component of ART was added in the later part of NACP II. Subsequently, CST was included as major component in NACPIII. The inclusion of care and support in the target was a major step forward in recognizing the holistic needs of people living with HIV and positioned care and support as one of three critical pillars of a comprehensive HIV response. The evidence from roll outbof ART in India has provided further impetus to expansion of treatment services As of now 350 Care Support Centres (CSCs) are set up in 31 states across the country to respond to the care and support needs of PLHIV. In MP, there are 12 CSCs functional as of now. Recently CSC in Sagar and Gwalior has been closed down and replacement to be made as approved by NACO and MPSACS.
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