SVRI Research Grant 2025: How to Apply and Key Information

Overview of the SVRI Research Grant 2025

SVRI Research Grant: The Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) is inviting applications for its 2025 research grant, targeting innovative studies aimed at preventing and responding to violence against women (VAW) and violence against children (VAC) in low and middle-income countries. The SVRI Research Grant 2025 seeks to support research that addresses these pressing issues, with a particular focus on projects that can demonstrate a tangible impact on reducing violence driven by gender inequality.

The objectives of the SVRI Research Grant are multifaceted. Primarily, it aims to fund research that generates new knowledge to inform policy and practice in the field of violence prevention. This includes studies that explore the root causes, consequences, and effective interventions for VAW and VAC. By prioritizing research that addresses these areas, the SVRI strives to contribute to global efforts to combat gender-based violence and improve the lives of individuals affected by such violence.

Eligible research types include, but are not limited to, exploratory studies, intervention trials, implementation research, and systematic reviews. The grant particularly encourages innovative methodologies and interdisciplinary approaches that can provide fresh insights into the prevention and response to violence. Projects that engage with local communities and stakeholders, ensuring the research is contextually relevant and sustainable, are highly valued.

Eligibility for the SVRI Research Grant is open to researchers, practitioners, and organizations based in low and middle-income countries. Collaborative projects that involve partnerships between academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, and other relevant entities are also encouraged. The grant provides funding ranging from $40,000 to $150,000, depending on the scope and scale of the proposed research. The duration of the award can vary between 12 and 18 months, allowing sufficient time for comprehensive studies and meaningful outcomes.

Overall, the SVRI Research Grant 2025 represents a significant opportunity to advance knowledge and practice in the field of violence prevention. By supporting research that addresses gender-based violence, the SVRI aims to foster a safer, more equitable world for women and children in vulnerable contexts. This initiative underscores the critical role of research in informing effective interventions and policies to combat violence and promote gender equality globally.

The application process for the SVRI Research Grant 2025 is designed to be straightforward but requires careful attention to detail. Potential applicants must submit their proposals via the Proposal Central online system. First-time users must begin by registering on the platform to set up an account. This step is crucial as it allows access to the application portal and ensures all subsequent activities are tracked within the system.

Before starting the application, it is highly recommended to review the SVRI Research Grant guidelines available online. These guidelines provide comprehensive instructions on the documentation and format required for a successful application. Adherence to these guidelines is essential for ensuring your submission is complete and compliant with the grant’s requirements.

The deadline for submission is midnight (South African Time) on 9th July 2024. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their applications well before this date to avoid any last-minute issues such as internet connectivity problems, which could hinder the submission process. Early submission also allows for any unforeseen errors to be corrected in a timely manner.

Applications are accepted in three languages: English, French, and Spanish. This multilingual option aims to accommodate a diverse range of applicants from various linguistic backgrounds. Make sure to select the language in which you are most proficient to prevent any miscommunications or misunderstandings in your proposal.

For any further inquiries or assistance during the application process, applicants can reach out via email at The SVRI team is available to provide support and address any questions that may arise.

To navigate the online application system efficiently, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the platform’s interface and functionalities well in advance. Common pitfalls include missing required fields or failing to upload supporting documents. Double-check each section before final submission to ensure all information is accurate and complete.

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