GCI’s Creative Impact Grants: Amplifying Climbing Communities Through Storytelling

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug

GCI’s Creative Impact Grants aim to inspire climbing communities worldwide to share their narratives through innovative projects in the arts. By recognizing the power of storytelling, GCI seeks to highlight powerful stories, uplift economies, and provide support to local artists within the global climbing community. The Creative Grant program is designed to facilitate sustainable community … Read more

Global Climbing Initiative Environmental Grants: Empowering Climbing Communities

windmill surrounded by grass during daytime

Apply by 29th February 2024 The Global Climbing Initiative’s Environmental Grants are a powerful tool to support climbing communities’ efforts in environmental stewardship worldwide. As the sport of climbing continues to experience rapid growth, it is crucial to ensure the sustainability of climbing areas at every stage of development. With an increasing number of climbers, … Read more