Caplan Early Childhood Grants Apply

Caplan Early Childhood Grants Apply The Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood has a two-step funding application process that includes both a letter of inquiry (LOI) and a full proposal. We invite full proposals only after reviewing letters of inquiry. We only fund programs that fit our program guidelines. Letters of Inquiry will be accepted through … Read more

Caplan Early Childhood Grants Criteria

  Caplan Early Childhood Grants Criteria: The Foundation will not fund the operation or expansion of existing programs ​ the purchase or renovation of capital equipment, existing software or programmatic materials ​ single events ​ the creation or acquisition of works of art or literary works ​ organizations that discriminate based on race, color, creed, national … Read more

Caplan Early childhood Grants – Guidelines

Caplan Early  Childhood Grants -Program Guidelines The Caplan Early Childhood Grants are provided by the Foundation in the following areas.. Early Childhood Welfare:  Children can only reach their full potential when all aspects of their development, intellectual, emotional and physical, are optimally supported. Providing a safe and nurturing environment for infants and preschoolers is essential, … Read more

Nippon Foundation Grants Application Procedure

Nippon Foundation Grants Application Procedures When to Apply:There is no application deadline as such, and applications can be received throughout the year. However, since the screening procedures may take as long as five months, it is strongly recommended that applications be submitted at least half a year before the planned start of the project, or … Read more

Nippon Foundation Grants Eligibility

Nippon Foundation Grants Applicant Eligibility: Applicants for The Nippon Foundation Grants (overseas grants) must be non-profit organizations based outside of Japan. They can be local, regional or international NGOs/NPOs, and include educational and research institutions. The Foundation does not accept applications from, nor provide grants to, private individuals or for-profit organizations. Proposal Eligibility: The Nippon Foundation’s overseas … Read more

Diversion Based Irrigation

Diversion based irrigation

Diversion Based Irrigation: Proposals Invited Sir Dorabji Tata Trust and the Allied Trusts seek applications from NGOs, research institutions and universities on the promotion of Diversion Based Irrigation (DBI) in India. A diversion based irrigation system is one which diverts a portion of water from a natural stream/water course/river and uses it with or without … Read more