Introduction to the Turing Foundation’s Mission
The Turing Foundation is committed to fostering a sustainable and respectful relationship with nature. This approach emphasizes the importance of meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the abilities of future generations. To achieve this, the foundation focuses on two primary areas: protection and sustainable management of marine nurseries in developing countries, and safeguarding against climate change.
Areas of Focus
The Turing Foundation’s efforts are concentrated on the following areas:
Marine Nurseries in Developing Countries
The foundation prioritizes the protection and sustainable management of areas in seas and along coasts that display the highest biodiversity, such as coral reefs and mangroves. These ecosystems are crucial for maintaining marine life and environmental stability.
Protection Against Climate Change
The Turing Foundation aims to combat the impacts of climate change through strategic initiatives, although the specifics are yet to be fully developed and implemented.
Application Procedures
At present, the Turing Foundation does not operate an open application process for nature conservation projects. Instead, the foundation invites specific organizations and initiatives to submit proposals directly. Therefore, unsolicited applications will not be considered. However, you are encouraged to keep the foundation informed about your ongoing activities by filling out the project summary form provided. This form should include essential details about your organization and any specific projects.
Submitting Information
If you wish to update the Turing Foundation on your activities, please include the following in your project summary form:
- Name of your organization
- Website of your organization
- Contact details (name, phone, email address)
- Brief description of your organization (objectives, size, established when and where)
- Details of any specific project (name, brief description, project partners, total budget, and an overview of funding status)
Project summary forms can be sent to: Turing Foundation, Herengracht 514, 1017 CC Amsterdam, The Netherlands, or via email at info@turingfoundation.org. Please note that the foundation reserves the right not to respond and that submitted information will not be returned.
For more insights into the projects previously funded by the Turing Foundation, refer to the general page on nature conservation. The foundation appreciates your understanding and cooperation as we work together to promote a sustainable environment.
For more information visit: https://www.turingfoundation.org/aanvragen_natuur_uk.html