Together Women Rise Featured Grant Program Details

Featured Grant Program Details

Together Women Rise supports capacity building, new programs, or expansion of existing programs through our featured grant program. We award at least 12 featured grants per calendar year, with each grant term lasting 24 months (2 years). The size of the featured grants ranges from $35,000 to $50,000, which is paid over the two-year period.

Eligibility Requirements

In order to be considered for a featured grant, organizations must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Be a US 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or have a fiscal sponsor that is a US 501(c)3 corporation
  • Have a minimum operating budget of $100,000 annually
  • Demonstrate capacity and on-the-ground operations in low-income communities in the global south for a minimum of three years
  • Provide data regarding the direct impact of the organization’s program(s) that the grant would support
  • Have women make up the majority of the leadership (i.e., board of directors and staff)
  • Demonstrate fiscally responsible and sustainable practices
  • Have a website in English, unless using a fiscal sponsor
  • Submit all requested information on the grant application
  • Provide additional information as deemed necessary by Together Women Rise
  • Have not received a Together Women Rise grant within the past four years
  • If previously received a Rise grant, have satisfied all reporting requirements for that past grant

Featured Grant Cycle

The next featured grant cycle, for grants to be awarded in 2025, will be open for applications from Friday, May 17, 2024, at 9:00 am ET through Monday, June 17, at 11:59 pm ET. Prospective grantees are encouraged to carefully review the information provided on the Together Women Rise website, including the tabs shown at the top of the page. Information sessions will also be held for prospective grantees on Tuesday, May 14, from 1:00 to 2:30 pm ET and Thursday, May 16, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm ET.

For more details and to register for the information sessions, please visit the Together Women Rise website.

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