Applications are invited for Unity Workforce Grant. The last date is 2 June 2023.
What is the Unity Workforce Grant? A request for proposal for immersive training programs focusing on the career pathway development for RT3D developer/XR creator talent.
Workforce development: Innovating programs, courses, and offerings to equip students with the skills needed to create for the metaverse, effectively increasing and diversifying the global talent pool for real-time 3D creator jobs.
Who Should Apply: Any legal entity, company, institution, or nonprofit organization that provides training (courses, degrees, apprenticeships, bootcamps, labs, innovation centers, etc.) in XR/real-time 3D development skills is encouraged to apply.
Special consideration will be given to institutions that serve underrepresented and/or underserved students.
Eligible organizations for funding include those creating or growing courses and programs to teach immersive development to upskill future creators.
Submissions will be accepted from any legal entity, company, institution, or nonprofit organization that provides training (courses, degrees, apprenticeships, bootcamps, labs, innovation centers, etc.) in XR/real-time development skills.
Special consideration will be given to those organizations that cater to underserved populations as well as training programs that are specifically designed to reach underserved learners.
Timeline:Applications are welcomed from Monday, April 17, 2023, at 12:00 am PT through Friday, June 2, 2023, at 11:59 pm PT. Please note that dates and times are indicated in Pacific Time.
All applications submitted will be reviewed. If additional information is required, we will reach out directly. Only applications selected to receive Unity Workforce Grant funding will be notified; notifications will be sent in the late summer/early fall 2023.
Selection criteria:Funding will be awarded based on the following criteria:
Career development: The project team explains their training model and curriculum to ensure graduates are job-ready upon program completion. They also identify hiring partners/potential employers for program graduates.
Inclusion: The program reaches learners from underrepresented populations.
Impact: The program has high demand and sets clear goals for the number of learners that will complete it over the course of the grant period.
Viability: The program shares a clear timeline, broken down by stages: planning, training, and reporting.
How to apply:We encourage programs in all stages of development or implementation to apply. Applications can be submitted via the link below. If additional information is required, we will reach out directly. Only applicants advancing to the final round and/or selected to receive funding will be notified.
Apply Now:
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