Fast-Track: Critical Disinformation Threats

Fast-Track: Critical Disinformation Threats
The fast-track call for proposals aims to address the urgent threats posed by disinformation in critical areas. Project proposals should incorporate the best journalistic practices, outcomes from fact-checking activities, and analytical frameworks from leading research institutions. Eligible organizations must be located in the EU, EFTA, and UK and form a consortium.

The call is open until February 5, 2024, with a total indicative allocation of €750,000. Individual entities, such as small-sized independent fact-checking and news media organizations with up to 50 employees and up to €10 million turnover or total balance sheet, non-profit organizations, universities, research centers, educational institutions, and non-governmental organizations, are eligible to submit proposals.

For multidisciplinary investigations on disinformation, only proposals from groups of entities (partnerships or consortia) will be considered. Promoters or partners can include non-profit organizations, including public service media, universities, educational institutions, research centers, non-governmental organizations, and for-profit organizations of any status and size operating as fact-checkers, news media organizations, or technology providers, as long as the consortium integrates one or more entities mentioned above.

Research studies are a key component of this initiative, providing valuable insights into the nature and impact of disinformation. By combining the expertise of various organizations, this call for proposals aims to tackle disinformation effectively and protect the integrity of critical areas.

Central Europe Media Resilience Grants Programme (

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