Is your organization passionate about land restoration? Are you involved in community actions? Do you have innovative ideas and solutions to scale or fast track land restoration? If so, we invite you to apply for a grant for Restoration Field Projects provided by the G20 Global Land Initiative. Deadlines 31 March 2024.
The Initiative’s grant programme will support up to 60 field restoration projects this year, with grants ranging between USD 5,000 and 15,000. Civil society organizations from any region of the world, which are involved in community actions to restore land, are eligible.
Don’t let this opportunity slip by. Submit your application making sure you follow the guidelines to be considered!
The G20, or Group of Twenty, is an intergovernmental forum of the world’s major developed and developing economies. During the Saudi Presidency in 2020, G20 leaders launched the Global Initiative for Reducing Land Degradation and Enhancing Conservation of Terrestrial Habitats (G20 Global Land Initiative) with one ambition: a 50 percent reduction in degraded land by 2040, on a voluntary basis.
The Global Land Initiative (GLI) implementation strategy is built on four pillars of action:
- Sharing and showcasing best practices
- Working with the private sector to create business opportunities from land restoration
- Working with civil society to advocate for land restoration and building capacities of key stakeholders
The purpose of the grant is to boost civil society restoration activities to scale and fast track the restoration of over 1 billion hectares by 2030.
1. Land restoration means improving land cover or land productivity. It covers a wide range of actions, such as reforestation, afforestation, agroforestry, sustainable agriculture, waste management avoiding land contamination, clean-up of contaminated land, avoiding waterlogging, rewetting of peatlands, and improving soil quality.
2. Restoration of ecosystems can take place in any landscape. Forests, grasslands, drylands, rangelands, croplands, peatlands, mangroves, soil, karst, tundra, and wetlands.
3. Restoration work can take place anywhere in the world. It is not limited to G20 member countries. Priority consideration will be given to submissions from civil society organizations, including Indigenous Peoples, from developing and least developed countries.
4. Proposed, new, and ongoing projects will be considered for support. However, preference will be given to ongoing operations.
5. The funds may be used to expand the area of restoration, improve techniques, use new technology, provide technical assistance, build capacity, or to document lessons learned and communicate progress. Funds may also be used for a combination of the above.
6. Organizations must have an annual budget of USD 25,000 or more to be eligible. The funds must be used to scale up and elevate planned or ongoing efforts. Stand-alone projects that depend on this grant will not be considered for support.
7. Multi-year support may be considered based on demonstrated progress of implementation of the project and upon request.
For full application guidelines, please visit the G20 Global Land Initiative website.
Supporting Land Restoration Projects on the Ground