ICSSR – Post-doctoral Fellowships

ICSSR – Post-doctoral Fellowships   are awarded to social science scholars with a high potential and promise for conducting research on specific themes and issues proposed by the applicants. These studies are accepted to contribute to theoretical and conceptual advancement in different disciplines, generate field work based empirical work and new data and are policy relevant. The broad disciplines of study, within the domain of social sciences, are:

(i) Sociology and Social Anthropology;
(ii) Political Science / Public Administration;
(iii) Economics;
(iv) International Studies;
(v) Social Geography and Population Studies;
(vi) Commerce and Management;
(vii) Social Psychology;
(viii) Education;
(ix) Social Linguistics / Cultural Studies
(x) Law / International Law
(xi) National Security & Strategic Studies;
(xii) Other allied Social Science disciplines.

1.2 Within the framework of social sciences, an effort is made to promote interdisciplinary studies. In regard to other major disciplines such as environment and agriculture science, etc., areas of interface between these disciplines and the social sciences are also covered under the Fellowships scheme.
1.3 The Post-Doctoral Fellowships are aimed at assisting young scholars who have the potential and competence for full-time research work on their approved research themes.

2. Eligibility for Award of Post-Doctoral Fellowship

2.1 Post-Doctoral Fellowships are awarded to scholars, below the age of 45 years, who have shown significant promise and potential for research. There shall be a relaxation of 5 years in the age limit for SC/ST candidates. They should have been awarded their doctoral degree at time of their application.

2.2 Scholars who are in regular teaching/research faculty positions in publicly funded University (including government funded or aided Colleges), or publicly funded research institutions, or ICSSR funded/recognized institutions may apply under the salary protection scheme.

2.3 Not more than 20 % of the post-doctoral fellowships shall be awarded to in-
service scholars.

2.4 Candidates will be required to be affiliated to public funded university or
academic/research institution, ICSSR funded/recognized institution.

2.5 The selected fellow has to work under the guidance of a senior social scientist (not below the level of an Associate Professor). The supervisor should not be superannuated and should be in employment at the affiliating institution. The selection of the supervisor is subject to the approval of the Council.

2.6 The selected fellows are expected to do full time research in India. They could however undertake field trip outside India, if the Expert Committee finds it to be necessary for their research. In such cases, ICSSR may reimburse travel expenses directly to the scholar as per Council rules.

2.7 While accepting any fellowships from the Council, a fellow should not accept fellowship from any other organization. A fellow would not be eligible for another fellowship from the Council for five years from the date of termination of fellowship.

2.8 Defaulters of any previous grant of ICSSR under any scheme will not be eligible for consideration until the applicant has obtained the clearance of the relevant administrative division of the ICSSR.

2.9 Separate allocation under this scheme shall be made for the SC/ST candidates as per allocations made in the ICSSR plan under SCP/TSP Grant.

2.10 Besides, a conscious effort shall be made to favourably consider while sanctioning grants to women, minorities, differently abled persons and persons belonging to educationally backward districts as declared by Govt. of India.

How to Apply

Guidelines for Research Proposals


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