Aim of the Fund:
India Open Grants Fund – PHF: This Fund seeks to meet our strategic aim to enable vulnerable communities living in priority geographical areas to improve their lives. Many communities in India have inherent strengths which are often overlooked when modern development frameworks are used to view them. They have closely knit societies, progressive views and approaches to resource utilisation and sustainability, and are extremely conscious of their relationship with the environment. Their traditional knowledge has relevance to modern ways of living. But communities also face many challenges with inequality of opportunity, driven by a combination of social and systemic drivers that can be difficult to overcome without the right support. The opening up of spaces, development of infrastructure, particularly roads, and the modern development process have all caused shifts for local communities. Movements, over time, of people to urban centres, driven by economic forces, have also transported some of these issues to urban centres. Urban development concerns emerge largely around building a balance between the hugely important roles that newly arrived communities have and will play and the ability of urban centres to provide for them.
Organisations supported within the India programme have to be local Indian NGOs with Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) registration. We do not support non-Indian organisations or locally registered branches of non-Indian organisations. We do not support organisations without FCRA registration (please note that we do not work on prior permission). We do not support political or religious institutions. If you do choose to pursue an application for support from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, please ensure that you do it directly and not through consultants or fundraisers. We prefer to work with organisations that have self-imposed and self-implemented policies on honesty and transparency in their finances and operations that are of the highest standard. We also prefer to work with organisations whose strategies and activities are formed on the basis of community leadership or participation, local knowledge and experience.
Grants: We make grants that help fund specific activities. The costs of these may include running costs such as staff salaries and overheads such as stationary, rent, rates or utilities. You must be able to tell us how these costs are calculated. We may also contribute towards the core costs of your organisation, but we will need to know how our funding would be spent and how you plan to develop the work of the organisation. Size of grants: There is no minimum or maximum grant size. The amount you request should be the amount you need. We normally expect the amount requested to be a substantial part of the amount required to fund a distinct activity, or a substantial part of the work of your organisation. We are unlikely to fund 100 per cent of the costs. We prefer to make grants where you and/or another funder are also contributing, preferably in cash, towards the cost of the activity you are asking us to fund.
Duration of grants: The length of grant depends on the proposed activity. Typically, we support new grantees for one or two years to support organisational adjustments prior to awarding funding for longer periods. For information on grants we have made in the past, search our website.
To Apply Click here
Other grants: Rapid Response Window Short-Term Grants: Supporting Women’s Influence in Peace Processes (ngoportal.org)