NGOs in East Singhbhum

NGOs in East Singhbhum,NGOs in Jharkhand,NGOs in India Funds for Indian NGOs, East SinghbhumNGO database

Dhriiti – The courage within

Aim/Objective/Mission: ————————————————————————————–to reduce unemployment/promote a culture of entrepreneurship/motivate and buildentreneurshi…
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Socially Educational Welfare Association(sewa)

To improve the educational condition of rural masses and develop appropriate High-Tech Educational to create IGP for the poor and Backward classes ,SC and ST community….
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Veena Pani Gyanoday Modern Public School Society

a. Samiti will start established medical management, hospital, health care of needy and poor people. b. To organize seminar, rally, awareness camp, research training and consultancy activities on the…
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Azad Hind Welfare Society

(a) The Society thinks that development should come from the below i.e. people’s participation and capacitating are to be achieved to route their way to development which is not devoid of social…
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Vision : Our vision is to achieve total transformation to create a society without poverty, illiteracy, sickness, Child Labour, gender and Social in equality & oppression among marginalized poor. …
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To work for the cause of environment with emphasis on improving the life of Tribal,women and children….
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PYAI Foundation

PYAI is a grassroots advocacy and campaigning group which works in the field of health and nutrition, child education, slum dwellers by raising public awareness and supporting smart and effective poli…
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Centre For Resource Training And Development

Resource Training And Development For Any Kind of Society…
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Hind Welfare Foundation

VISION To transform society into literate, economically better, morally high, cooperative, technically progressive, self-reliant inspiring and worthy citizens forum. Mission We are committed to i…
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SPACE Foundation

BACKGROUND: It is obvious from the fact that average rural mass is more sensitive and oblivious in resolving their problems related to Social, Health, Economic, political and cultural etc. Realizing t…
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Social and Healthy Action for Rural Empowerment

Mission-To strike at the root cause of poverty, deprivation and backwardness in order to ensure optimum utilization of available human, natural and institutional resources. Objective- To promote susta…
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All India Hope Line Welfare Charitable Youth Society

1 Create awareness and consciousness among youth on art, culture and welfare. 2. Create social awareness among youth on various issues like Health, education, environment etc. 3. Promotes se…
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Social and Healthy Action for Rural Empowerment

 Social and Healthy Action for Rural Empowerment is an NGO working in  East Singhbhum of Jharkhand with the following aims and objectives. VISION: SHARE WISHES TO ESTABLISH A SUSTAINABL…
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Jharkhand Jyoti

Dignity of the land and the people…
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Early intervention of mentally challenged people. Making parents co-partners in the care of special children is the noble vision of PATH. We believe that their views, opinions and suggestions are of a…
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Aadibasi Welfare

Save tree and aadibasi      Tags: Ngos in East Singhbhum,NGOs in Jamshedpur, NGOs in Jharkhand …
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