Worldwide Cancer Research: Our Funding Criteria

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At Worldwide Cancer Research, our mission is to kick-start life-saving advances in cancer research by supporting scientists with brand new ideas and encouraging them to ask big, challenging questions about how cancer works. We believe in sowing the seeds of new discoveries today to shape the future of cancer medicine.

We have a strong track record of recognizing innovative scientific ideas that have the potential to revolutionize cancer medicine. To be eligible for funding, your application must align with our Research Strategy and meet the criteria outlined in our application handbook.

Our primary goal is to support research that tackles the difficult questions in cancer biology. We are particularly interested in innovative and truly novel ideas that have the potential to transform our understanding of cancer and how to combat it.

We offer project grants ranging from 12 to 36 months in duration, supporting basic, fundamental, or translational research in the areas of cancer prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. We do not prioritize any specific field of research, but rather welcome projects that draw on epidemiological, behavioral, and clinical data to initiate new avenues of research.

We encourage multidisciplinary or discipline-hopping projects that stimulate innovation. Your proposed research should be a discrete, hypothesis-driven project that can be achieved within the requested support duration. Please refrain from describing a large program of work and then seeking funding for only a portion of it.

The maximum budget allowed for our grants is £275,000, although most three-year grants typically have a budget of around £200,000.

If you are interested in applying for funding, please visit our website for more information on our funding criteria and the application process:

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