Budget -2

II. Staff : The other most important thing that we need to look at is the staff requirement for successful implementation of the project. We need to look at:

a) How many programme staff required with specialization
b) How many finance, admin staff are required
c) How many members from the existing team give a part of their time for this project –if so how much money needs to be paid.
d) What is the period for which the staff are required for
e) How much needed for advertisement for these positions
f) What is the likely salary for each position per month multiplied by the number of months.
g) How much money needed for staff training
h) How much money needed for staff benefits i.e. medical, provident fund, gratuity,staff insurance, bonus etc. etc. depending on the organisation’s own policies.
i) If organisations have relocation (while recruiting the candidates may ask for relocation allowance to move from existing place to a new place to take up a job) allowances policies that also needs to be calculated.
j) Any other things that the organization may want to include as per their organisation’s policies.

III. Administration: This is one area which needs careful financial planning. Many times in spite of proper planning the administrative costs go up because of various reasons which may be beyond organizations control. As an example, when we prepare a budget we may put the office rent as the amount we may be paying at that time. If there are no written documents after few months the landlord may want to raise the rent or ask you to vacate the building. Other e.g. consumption of electricity or maintenance of vehicles etc.

Some of these heads could be: • Rent • Travel • Electricity • Water • Office Upkeep • Vehicle fuel • Vehicle maintenance • Salaries • Recruitment • Printing and Stationery · Internet/postage/Courier

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