Call for Proposals: Small Grants 2024

Call for Proposals: Small Grants 2024

The Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Belgrade is pleased to announce a call for proposals for small grants for the year 2024 in the Republic of Serbia. Small grants are an important instrument of the Slovak development cooperation, provided by the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation through the Slovak Embassy in Belgrade.


The provider of these small grants is the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation. For further information, please contact the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Belgrade:

  • Address: Bulevar Umetnosti 18, 011 70 Belgrade
  • Telephone: 381 11 222 3801
  • Email:

Amount Requested

The maximum amount of the non-repayable financial contribution per project is 10,000 EUR. The number of selected projects is limited by a budget of 30,000.00 EUR allocated for this call for proposals.

Project Duration

The duration of each project is from 6 to a maximum of 12 months, starting immediately after the entry of the small grant agreement into effect.

Sector Priorities

The submitted projects must be related to the sectors defined by the Medium-Term Strategy for Development Cooperation of the Slovak Republic for 2019-2023, extended to 2024. The sectors include:

  • Quality education
  • Good health
  • Good governance and civil society building
  • Food safety and agriculture
  • Infrastructure and sustainable use of natural resources
  • Support for the creation of a market environment

Additionally, the projects should address cross-cutting themes such as environment and climate change, and gender equality.

Eligible Applicants

The call for proposals is open to the following registered entities:

  • Non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal entities
  • Non-governmental organizations
  • Local and regional self-government units

Please note that certain entities are not eligible, including those subject to international sanctions or against whom the Slovak Republic has a financial claim.

Deadline for Submission

The deadline for submission of project proposals is July 31, 2024. Applications should be sent both electronically to and in hard copy to the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Belgrade (Bulevar Umetnosti 18, 011 70 Belgrade). Hard-copy applications, along with relevant accompanying documentation, should be received by the Slovak Embassy no later than 16:00 h on the given deadline date. Applications received after this date will not be accepted.

For more information and to access the application form, please visit the official website.

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