Funding Opportunities for Practically Oriented Research Projects

Funding Opportunities for Practically Oriented Research Projects
The Laerdal Foundation offers funding opportunities for practically oriented research projects that align with its 2025 strategy. The Foundation particularly welcomes applications that focus on improving the efficiency of education or implementation, which are factors 2 and 3 of the Utstein Formula for Survival. Project support is available for amounts up to NOK 400,000 (USD 50,000) for expenditures expected to occur within a period of 12-18 months from the start of the project. The Foundation’s Board carefully evaluates the realism of the presented budget and considers whether any items are not eligible for funding based on the provided information. If the total expenses for the project exceed the grant amount, the application should include information on the likelihood of securing additional funding from other sources. Institutional overhead costs related to the project may be covered up to 10%. Applicants may also submit a renewed application for a second-year grant at least 12 months after receiving a previous grant. If an institution plans to submit applications from multiple applicants, it is advised to prioritize the projects before submission. Application deadlines are on April 1 and October 1 each year. All applications must be submitted through the Foundation’s application platform. Before starting an application, it is essential to review the information details on the Foundation’s website to ensure that the project falls within the scope and eligibility criteria for funding. To submit an application, visit the Laerdal Foundation Application page. The application process is designed to guide applicants through pre-formatted forms, each containing helpful information to assist in describing the project. Applicants can save their progress and continue working on it before submitting the final application. It is crucial to thoroughly review the project before submission, as the selection process begins once it is submitted. Applicants will receive a confirmation email once the final application has been successfully submitted. For more information and to access the application platform, visit:

Grant Opportunities for Conservation Research – ngoportal

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