BFW Partnership Requires Responsibility

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Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) is committed to working with over 2,000 partner organizations worldwide to promote peace, justice, and the preservation of creation. While they are not directly involved in the partner countries themselves, they collaborate closely with local partner organizations. This partnership approach allows for a more effective and sustainable impact.

Before entering into a cooperation, Brot für die Welt carefully assesses the organizational capacity of potential partners to ensure they are capable of successfully implementing a project. Additionally, the feasibility of the proposed project is thoroughly examined. Meeting these criteria not only establishes a solid foundation for cooperation but also enhances the credibility of Brot für die Welt as a professional development actor. Funding for their work comes from various sources, including German or European government authorities, churches, parishes, companies, and individual donors.

Brot für die Welt supports projects that align with their underlying ethical values and aim to benefit marginalized communities. These projects should also work towards transforming unjust structures, both in the countries of the Global South and in Germany and Europe. To qualify for support, projects must have a clearly-defined target group and a well-defined objective that seeks to bring about positive change in the living conditions of the target group. Additionally, the project should be an integral part of the partner organization’s work, with all project-related expenses eligible for funding.

It’s important to note that Brot für die Welt exclusively supports projects implemented by organizations and does not provide funding to individuals. Furthermore, they do not offer emergency assistance in humanitarian crises or catastrophes, as their sister organization, Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (Diakonie Emergency Aid), is better equipped for such situations. Brot für die Welt also does not fund projects by government institutions, political parties, or politically-affiliated foundations. Moreover, they encourage partner organizations to secure additional sources of financing to avoid complete reliance on their funding.

By adhering to these principles and criteria, Brot für die Welt ensures responsible and impactful partnerships that contribute to positive change in communities around the world.  For more information visit the link below:

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