Project Grants (PG) for Food Safety and Trade Compliance

Project Grants (PG) are available for initiatives aimed at improving food safety, animal and plant health capacity to comply with international sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) requirements. These grants, which can fund up to US$1,000,000, are specifically designed to address SPS challenges that affect trade to international markets. If you are interested in applying for a PG, you can find more information and the application link on the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) website. Apply by 2nd August for consideration in November.

Applications for PGs are accepted in English, French, and Spanish, and should be submitted via email to using the official application forms provided on the STDF website. If you have any questions about the application process or the application forms, you can reach out to the STDF Secretariat at

Before submitting your application, it is encouraged to contact the STDF Secretariat to discuss your proposal and implementation arrangements. This will help ensure that your application aligns with the objectives of the STDF and has a higher chance of being approved.

When completing the application form, make sure to provide a concise and catchy project title that starts with an “-ing” verb and mentions the sector and country/region. For example, “Improving the safety of smoked fish in Mali” or “Prioritizing SPS investments in the Caribbean Community.”

Eligible organizations for STDF funding include public sector entities, private sector entities (including public-private partnerships), non-profit non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with expertise in the SPS area, and STDF partners. The implementing organization should have the technical and professional capacity to carry out the project, and evidence of this capacity should be attached to the application.

The budget section of the application should specify the amount requested from the STDF, the beneficiary’s own contribution, any committed funding from other sources, and the total project value. The STDF provides up to a maximum of US$1,000,000 for project grant financing. The amount of funding from the STDF depends on the classification of the beneficiary country or countries in the OECD Development Assistance Committee list.

The deadline to apply for funding in 2024 is March 1 for consideration in June and August 2 for consideration in November.

For more details and to access the application forms, visit the STDF website

UNCCD Land Heroes: Empowering Youth for Sustainable Land Management

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