Concept Note 4

Concept Note continue…..

It is worth spending time with colleagues, partners, and friends brainstorming all the possible outputs, as well as those directly related to the objectives.Key outputs that are achieved during the life of the project may be useful milestones that you can refer to when writing the full proposal.

Step 5. Beneficiaries and Impacts (Who will benefit from the project and how?)Brainstorm this section with the design team or other colleagues. Think of all the possible groups who may benefit from project activities and as many different benefits as may occur.Impact is what the donor is “buying.” In making promises about the impact of a project, you need to:

  • describe the benefits you expect, how many of them can be expected, and when and where they will occur.
  • present your reasoning for why you expect the benefits to accrue to a given group – if necessary, state the assumptions you are making.
  • consider whether to suggest that the project will have either an impact assessment component or will be assessed by a separate impact measurement project.

Possible beneficiary groups

Poor individuals (age? sex? location?)

Farm families (including dependents)


Poor urban consumers

Other population groups

Benefits also accrue to radio stations, NGOs, and other organizations, but you should play down these (although not omit them altogether) and play up the benefits to partners such as farmers and their organizations who are the poorest and the target of the donor’s development aims.Show impact in terms of the Development Goals, such as:

poverty alleviation

food security

preserving the environment

improved nutrition and health

Develop your own impact checklistWill your project result in:

more education for the poor?

higher family incomes?

better health for poor families?

gender-specific or age-specific impact?

enhanced community participation?

new use of indigenous knowledge?

more public sector accountability?

inputs for improved decision-making?

new food source for the urban poor?

new jobs created?

import substitution?

other economic benefits? Which sectors?

improved child nutrition?

other human benefits?

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