Noel Buxton Trust Africa Grants Programme

The Noel Buxton Trust Africa Grants Programme: The Noel Buxton Trust has been funding work in African countries for many years. As a small charity, our aim is to focus our limited funds on projects that promote sustainable livelihoods in community settings. We prioritize projects that are deeply rooted in the community and informed by the knowledge and experience of the people who will benefit.

In order to make the most impact with our available funding, the current round of funding will close on 09 Feb 2024. We have specific aims for the projects we fund:

Support income generation through investment in skills and micro-finance
Focus on women-headed households and street-connected children
Be based in semi-arid regions or peri-urban slums where economic hardship is most extreme
We welcome applications that enable successful practical solutions to be replicated or that aim to bring about relevant policy change through effective advocacy.

We strongly encourage direct applications from registered community-based organizations or NGOs in Africa. We also welcome applications from diaspora-led organizations registered in the UK. Our grants are specifically designed for smaller, grass-roots organizations and we do not generally respond to applications from large and well-supported charities.

Our geographical focus for funding is on six African countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Uganda, Sudan, and South Sudan. We offer grants ranging from £5,000 to £10,000 per year, which can include a reasonable element (8-10%) towards administration costs. We aim to fund projects for 3-5 years, with each annual installment dependent on meeting annual reporting requirements.

When assessing applications, we consider the following criteria:

A strong relationship between the applicant organization and the community that will benefit from the grant
Evidence that the beneficiaries have helped set the program priorities
A clear understanding of the economic, environmental, and social issues facing the community
A commitment to strengthening community-based organizations
Co-funding from the local community and at least one other funder
To apply for a grant, please fill in our application form. The form will ask for key points about your project, including how you identified the need for your work, your track record in working with the community, how you will measure the impact on the community, how you ensure the safety of the people you are working with, and how you plan to sustain the project after our grant has ended.

To access the application form, please visit our website at

You will find the form by clicking here Africa application form – The Noel Buxton Trust

The Noel Buxton Trust is a charity funding projects in African countries that promote sustainable livelihoods in community settings. We prioritize projects rooted in the community and informed by the people who will benefit. Apply for a grant and learn more on our website.

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