Call for Applications: Rapid Response Window on Women’s Participation in Peace Processes

About the Rapid Response Window (RRW)

Rapid Response Window: The Rapid Response Window (RRW) is a funding mechanism of the United Nations Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) that supports urgent, short-term, strategic initiatives led by women peacebuilders and women’s civil society organizations. Its main objective is to increase women’s participation and influence in formal peace processes and the implementation of international, national, or sub-national peace agreements. The RRW focuses on conflict resolution and aims to contribute to peaceful and gender equal societies.

Definitions and Examples of Initiatives

In the framework of the RRW, projects supported will be focusing on a peace process understood as a formal political process to resolve violent conflict through peaceful means. This process usually involves a mixture of politics, diplomacy, negotiations, advocacy, mediation, and dialogue in different areas. The WPHF-RRW welcomes concept notes from Official Development Assistance (ODA) eligible countries with a formal ongoing peace process at national, sub-national, and international levels.

Call for Applications

The Call for Applications on Rapid Response Window specifically contributes to WPHF’s Impact Area 4 on conflict resolution. It aims to increase the representation and leadership of women in formal peace processes and/or the implementation of peace agreements. The RRW provides funding for short-term initiatives and is not intended to fund medium or long-term peacebuilding projects.

How to Apply

Interested civil society organizations, including informal women’s groups, women peacebuilders, associations, networks, and unregistered civil society organizations, can apply for direct support from WPHF. The Direct Support stream allows organizations to request funding for services that enable women’s participation and/or influence in a formal peace process. The application process involves submitting a concept note.

Successful applicants receive services, not a grant. Services will be purchased and arranged directly from the WPHF RRW Secretariat or its partners on behalf of selected applicants.
This includes logistical and technical support — such as the cost of childcare, access for persons with disabilities, interpretation or translation needs, expert advisory support, training, preparatory meetings, printing of documents, film editing, travel arrangements, etc.

The Direct Support can cover services for a duration of up to six months maximum. Initiatives that require funding under this stream may be as short as a few days. The maximum estimated cost of services cannot exceed 25,000 USD. There is no minimum request.

There is no deadline for applications. The RRW is demand-driven and accepts submissions on a rolling basis.


For further details including downloading of proposal and other documents please visit:

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WPHF Call for Proposals in Burundi: Strengthening Women’s Participation in Conflict Prevention (

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