Water Aid Climate Finance Iniative – Call for Propsals

Water Aid Climate Finance Initiative – Call fr Proposals – A new Climate Finance Initiative. The aim is to demonstrate the changes required to ensure that a proportion of future climate finance flows is spent on increasing the water security and climate resilience of people living in WASH poverty. Climate change poses many threats to … Read more

Hungary Project

The Open Society Foundations have been actively supporting Hungarian civil society for the last 30 years. The Hungary Project, part of the Rights and Liberties team of the Open Society Initiative for Europe, is an indirect successor to the national foundation that was transformed into the Hungary Project and operated out of the Budapest office … Read more

Civil Society Governance and Human Rights Grants

Civil Society Governance The Civil Society Governance and Human Rights Grants.. the portfolio was created as a result of an internal strategic planning exercise conducted by the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust and the Allied Trusts in 2007. Around 20 projects that were supported by the Trusts at the time of the strategic review, were brought … Read more

Small Grants Biodiversity Conserversation GEF-UNDP

Small Grants Biodiversity Conservation Focal Areas Projects will be supported that address to promote the conservation, management and sustainable use of biodiversity in eco systems (including arid and semi-arid, coastal, marine and freshwater ecosystems, forest and mountain ecosystems etc.) species and genetic resources their sustainable use and equitable sharing of benefits arising from such use. … Read more

Small Grants Programme GEF SGP-UNDP

The proposals for Small Grants Prograamme of GEF SGP-UNDP accessing the grants needs to be submitted by Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and Community based organizations (CBOs) and the Non- profit Organization as per the template to the respective regional offices of the CEE. The GEF UNDP/SGP program anchored through the National Project Manager (NPM) of the … Read more

Atlas Corps Fellowship Application Process

Atlas Corps Fellowship Application Process: 1. Online Application: All applications need to be submitted online. We will not accept applications via email or mail. You will need to create a login and you can save your responses so you can return to the application at any time. The application consists of background information, personal biography, … Read more

Atlas Corps Fellowship

Atlas Corps Fellowship (USA) Atlas Corps Fellowship is an overseas fellowship for the world’s best nonprofit leaders. Our mission is to address critical social issues by developing leaders, strengthening organizations, and promoting innovation through an overseas fellowship of skilled nonprofit professionals. The Atlas Corps Fellowship lasts 6-18 months and is offered three times a year. Fellows … Read more

CFH Foundation Grants Guidelines2

CFH Foundation Grants Overview: Incorporated in 1985, the Conservation, Food and Health Foundation seeks to promote the conservation of natural resources, improve the production and distribution of food, and improve health in the developing world. The foundation helps build capacity within developing countries in its three areas of interest with grants that support research or projects … Read more

CFH Foundation Grants Eligibility

CFH Foundation Grants Types of Support The foundation does not provide general operating support. It favors research, training, and technical assistance projects that: employ and/or train personnel from developing countries are led by organizations with strong records of accomplishments in a particular field and have potential for replication focus on regional or cross-boundary issues and … Read more

CFH Foundation Grants

CFH Foundation Grants Overview: Incorporated in 1985, the Conservation, Food and Health Foundation seeks to promote the conservation of natural resources, improve the production and distribution of food, and improve health in the developing world. The foundation helps build capacity within developing countries in its three areas of interest with grants that support research or projects … Read more