Understanding the Charles Hayward Foundation Grants for Commonwealth Countries in Africa

Introduction to the Charles Hayward Foundation

The Charles Hayward Foundation is a grant-making charitable trust dedicated to supporting various charitable organizations within the U.K. Governed by a board of volunteer trustees, currently chaired by Mrs. Sue Heath, the foundation aims to enhance the lives of communities across the British Isles and beyond.

Grant Programmes Offered

The foundation offers both a main and a small grant programme, focusing on several distinct categories. The categories for the main grant programme include social and criminal justice, overseas projects, and heritage and conservation. Charities applying for the social and criminal justice category must have an annual income ranging from £350,000 to £4,000,000, while those in the overseas category must earn between £150,000 and £4,000,000. However, the heritage and conservation category is currently closed for new applications.

Funding Priorities and Evaluation Criteria

When assessing grant applications, the Charles Hayward Foundation prioritizes innovative and effective approaches. The organization favors projects that not only provide early intervention but also demonstrate evidence-based solutions to entrenched problems. The foundation is committed to funding initiatives that clearly articulate their needs, show potential for long-term impact, and ensure value for money. This strategic approach is instrumental for charities working within Commonwealth countries in Africa, enabling them to tackle pressing social issues effectively.

For further information, please visit the official website of the Charles Hayward Foundation at www.charleshaywardfoundation.org.uk.

Apply by 31 January 2025

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