Tata Innovation Fellowships

Applications are invited for Tata Innovation Fellowships, a highly competitive scheme instituted by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India to recognize and reward scientists with outstanding track record in biological sciences and a deep commitment to find innovative solutions to major problems in health care, agriculture and other areas related to life sciences … Read more

Robert Key Memorial Fund

Robert Key Memorial Fund was established in memory of Robert Key MBE (1947-2009), who co-founded with Sir Elton the UK arm of the Elton John AIDS Foundation. Robert was the first Executive Director of the Foundation. He had a personal mission to provide support to individuals who had no access to treatment or were shunned and … Read more

Hungary Project

The Open Society Foundations have been actively supporting Hungarian civil society for the last 30 years. The Hungary Project, part of the Rights and Liberties team of the Open Society Initiative for Europe, is an indirect successor to the national foundation that was transformed into the Hungary Project and operated out of the Budapest office … Read more

Burma Project

he Burma Project, established by the Open Society Foundations in 1994, is dedicated to increasing international awareness of conditions in Burma and helping the country make a successful transition from a closed to an open society. To this end, the Burma Project prioritizes projects supporting marginalized communities including ethnic minorities, women, and youth. Eligibility Criteria: … Read more

Dorabji Tata Trust Grants

Dorabji Tata Trust Grants For those who are new grant applicants for applying to Dorabji Trust Grants can use the format given below. If your organisation works in one or more of the thematic areas supported by Sir Dorabji Tata Trusts & The Allied Trusts, and if you would like to explore partnership with the … Read more

Civil Society Governance and Human Rights Grants

Civil Society Governance The Civil Society Governance and Human Rights Grants.. the portfolio was created as a result of an internal strategic planning exercise conducted by the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust and the Allied Trusts in 2007. Around 20 projects that were supported by the Trusts at the time of the strategic review, were brought … Read more

System of Rice Intensification Apply

The Trusts have been supporting SRI promotion since the last five years. The programme targets the small and marginal farmers in paddy growing areas. The 1st phase of the SRI programme was launched in March 2008 with a budget allocation of ` 10.94 crores spread over three years. From the first year itself, the programme … Read more

System of Rice Intensification Proposals Invited

System of Rice Intensification (SRI)

System of Rice Intensification: Proposals Invited Sir Dorabji Tata Trust and the Allied Trusts seek applications from NGOs, research institutions and universities for the promotion of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in India. The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a system developed in Madagascar in the 1980s and has since 1999 been tried out … Read more

Small Grants Biodiversity Conserversation GEF-UNDP

Small Grants Biodiversity Conservation Focal Areas Projects will be supported that address to promote the conservation, management and sustainable use of biodiversity in eco systems (including arid and semi-arid, coastal, marine and freshwater ecosystems, forest and mountain ecosystems etc.) species and genetic resources their sustainable use and equitable sharing of benefits arising from such use. … Read more

Small Grants Climate Change GEF-UNDP

Small Grants Climate Change : SGP Thrust – Climate Change: Projects will contribute to removing the cultural, institutional, technical and economic barriers to energy conservation and energy efficiency and to promote the adoption of renewable energy by optimizing implementation costs. Promoting sustainable transport systems. GEF/SGP projects will contribute to removing the cultural, institutional, technical, and economic … Read more