Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa OSIEA

OSIEA (Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa) plays an active role in encouraging open, informed dialogue on issues of importance in Eastern Africa. Through a combination of grant making, advocacy and convening power, OSIEA is able to support and amplify the voices of pro-democracy organizations and individuals in the region and to strengthen their capacity … Read more

CIVICUS Solidarity Fund

Applications are open to all types of CIVICUS members – organisations and individuals with voting or associate membership status – which meet the following criteria. Flexible Funding A central tenet of membership in the CIVICUS alliance is belonging to a global movement that stands in solidarity. In this spirit, the alliance launched the CIVICUS Solidarity … Read more

Sudden Opportunity Fund Uganda

Tag: Sudden Opportunity Fund Uganda,Funds for NGOs in Uganda, NGO Funding in Uganda, Funds for NGOs Through this Sudden Opportunity grant, Voice in Uganda is calling on Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to undertake a collective action to address specific anticipated threats to marginalised and discriminated groups such as women at risk of exploitation, abuse and/or … Read more

Charles Hayward Foundation Grants

Tag:Charles Hayward Foundation Grants,Funds for NGOs, Funds for International NGOs,Grants for NGOs Charles Hayward Foundation Grants Sir Charles Hayward was born in 1893 in Wolverhampton, Staffordshire. In 1911 he started his own business making wooden patterns for the developing engineering trade. His early involvement in the motor industry proved to be a springboard for his … Read more

Cargill Grants

Cargill Grants,educational grants,environmental grants, food security grants, nutitional grants, funds for indian ngos, funds for ngos Cargill Grants Cargill grants for education, environment stewardship and food security and nutrition. Eligible countries: World wide Last date to apply: No deadline given Focus Areas:Food Security and Nutrition: We support partners working to address hunger, improve nutrition and … Read more

Small Grant Scheme research on infectious diseases

Small Grant Scheme research on infectious diseases,Funds for ngos, funds ngos in africa, african ngo grants Small Grant Scheme research on infectious diseases WHO-AFRO/TDR/EDCTP Small Grants Scheme for implementation research on infectious diseases of poverty Deadline for applications: 30 November 2017 Only applicants from the WHO African Region eligible This call is for applications for … Read more

Strengthening Grants- Amplify Change

Strengthening grants support particular, usually time-limited, projects (usually 6-24 months) that seek to engage and contribute to bringing about change in one or more of the priority themes of AmplifyChange. Strengthening grants range from EUR40,000 – EUR100,000. We receive strong competition for Strengthening grants. Therefore, we encourage applicants to provide realistic budgets to match their … Read more