Weeden Foundation Grants

The next deadline for proposal submissions is Friday, August 5th, 2016. The Weeden Foundation Grants : The Foundation strongly encourages potential applicants to submit a letter of inquiry (via e-mail or regular mail) before presenting a complete proposal. We will respond to all such letters within a few weeks of receipt. Letters should reflect a … Read more

Unltd Seed Fund to develop as a Leader – How to Apply

Are you a start-up social entrepreneur with the passion and the drive to create positive social change? UnLtd India is just the launchpad to get you started! We offer three levels of support to early stage social entrepreneurs. To find out more, please click here. LEVEL 1 AND LEVEL 2 Applications for Levels 1 and … Read more

UnLtd Seed Finance to develop as a Leader Criteria

Please go through the information below to see the UnLtd Seed Finance to develop as a Leader Criteria When selecting investees, UnLtd India looks at four broad dimensions: The individual’s social entrepreneurial characteristics The potential of the project to deliver social impact The skills of the individual to deliver the project The degree to which … Read more

JP Morgan UnLtd Seed Finance to develop as a Leader

JP Morgan UnLtd Seed Finance to develop as a Leader :    UnLtd India is an incubator for social entrepreneurs. We work with early-stage social entrepreneurs to help them: Develop as leaders Accelerate their impact Prepare their organisations for scaling and further investment Our key programmes include: Incubation support – seed funding and support The Network … Read more

India Youth Fund -2

With her age structure, India is one of the youngest countries in the world. The urban youth, aged 13-35 years, constitute 44.77% of the total urban population. Despite the growing economy and rapid globalization, a sizeable proportion of the population does not have access to basic human rights. Both UN-Habitat and NSF recognize the importance … Read more

India Youth Fund

The Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation is committed to supporting worthy initiatives that drive constructive social and individual development. With a focus on quality of life for those at the edge of society, the Foundation works with philanthropic and charitable organizations, as well as government and private enterprises. The Foundation acts as a catalyst for positive transformation … Read more

FCRA Online Returns FC6

FCRA Online Returns FC6   NGOs to file their FC Returns online they need to use the following link and since the ngos registered, they need to log in using their username and password and selecting the sub-menu option of FC Returns.  Use the following link: Instructions for filling online Annual FC Returns