Bank Reconciliation Statement – BRS

Bank Reconciliation is very important for organisations.    It gives an up-to-date picture of the Bank balances and whether that tallies with your books of accounts. Bank Reconciliation: We need to update organisation’s Bank Passbooks’ from time to time. At times there may be less transactions or no transactions and we tend to feel that … Read more

How to Prepare a Budget – 2

How to prepare a budget III. Administration: This is one area which needs careful financial planning. Many times, in spite of proper planning the administrative costs go up because of various reasons which may be beyond organizations control. As an example, when we prepare the budget we may put the office rent as the amount … Read more

Risk Management – 3

Capacity Building: a) Identify and work with selected NGOs through intervention partners to uild real capacity that goes beyond project deadlines. b) Ensure preparedness and code of conduct,of Internal systems c) Ensure indicators are menaingful and responsible a) Direct implementaton model b) Restricted prorammes c) Good HR Management d) Deepknowledge of staff and suroundings e) … Read more

Risk Management – 2

Though the likely risks are prioritised at the beginning of the project, while the project is implemented we may come across more risks which also needs to be listed and mitigative actions needs to be identified and closely monitored. In case of NGOs though there may be systems in place to check fraud and accountability, … Read more

Risk Management

Now a days we find most of the organisations give priority to ensure internal control mechanisms are in place and are monitored regularly. However, here we will take up the risk management aspect separately. Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks (defined in ISO 31000 as the effect of uncertainty on objectives) … Read more

OPEC Fund for International Development Grants

OPEC Fund for International Development Grants Application Process Eligibility:Those eligible are international, national, regional and non-governmental organizations that supply proof of their financial and legal status. Please be advised that individuals, private entities and OFID Member States* are not eligible to apply for assistance. *Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kuwait, Libya, … Read more

ICSSR – Post Doctoral Fellowship – Application Process

ICSSR – Post Doctoral Fellowship – Application Process as to how these applications needs to be filled in and what all documents are to be attached etc. 3. How to apply 3.1 Applications will be invited through advertisements in leading newspapers, Economic and Political Weekly and Association of Indian University (AIU) Newsletter and on the … Read more

ICSSR – Post-doctoral Fellowships

ICSSR – Post-doctoral Fellowships   are awarded to social science scholars with a high potential and promise for conducting research on specific themes and issues proposed by the applicants. These studies are accepted to contribute to theoretical and conceptual advancement in different disciplines, generate field work based empirical work and new data and are policy relevant. … Read more

ICSSR Senior Fellowships Eligibility

2. ICSSR Senior Fellowships Eligibility 2.1 Senior Fellowships are awarded to social scientists with outstanding research publications. Social workers, journalists and civil servants, known for their academic interests with a record of publications may also be considered. Candidate should not be more than 68 at the time of submitting the application. 2.2 Scholars who are in … Read more