Accelerating Innovation for Transformational Solutions

Grand Challenges: Accelerating Innovation for Transformational SolutionsThe Grand Challenges family of initiatives is dedicated to sourcing and seeding innovations, as well as accelerating the development of transformational solutions. These initiatives bring together various partners, including GC Africa (Science for Africa Foundation), GC Brazil (Ministry of Health of Brazil), GC Ethiopia (Armauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI)), … Read more

India Open Grants Fund: Supporting Vulnerable Communities in India

Aim of the Fund: India Open Grants Fund – PHF: This Fund seeks to meet our strategic aim to enable vulnerable communities living in priority geographical areas to improve their lives. Many communities in India have inherent strengths which are often overlooked when modern development frameworks are used to view them. They have closely knit … Read more

Understanding CSR Funding and How to Apply for it in India

CSR Funding (Corporate Social Responsibility) is a way for companies in India to contribute towards societal development and make a positive impact on communities. CSR fund is mandatory for certain companies under the Indian Companies Act, requiring them to spend a specified percentage of their profits on CSR activities. Though in this article there is … Read more

Youth Lead TA Fund

Background:The technical assistance has significant role to play for the development of the organization and often small amount of fund can help community-based organizations to continue its critical work towards addressing the HIV epidemic and SRH access impediments in their respective communities. However, the cost of TA is expensive and accessing the existing TA platform … Read more

Strengthening Grants- Amplify Change

Strengthening grants support particular, usually time-limited, projects (usually 6-24 months) that seek to engage and contribute to bringing about change in one or more of the priority themes of AmplifyChange. Strengthening grants range from EUR40,000 – EUR100,000. We receive strong competition for Strengthening grants. Therefore, we encourage applicants to provide realistic budgets to match their … Read more

Commonwealth Scholarships – National University of Singapore

Commonwealth Scholarships – Singapore Two Commonwealth Scholarships for PhD study are available at the National University of Singapore at its Graduate School of Integrative Sciences and Engineering (NGS). Value Each award covers: Full tuition fees Monthly stipend Computer/book/conference allowance Eligibility Awards are open to citizens of any Commonwealth country (other than Singapore) Applicants should have … Read more

I Catch Grants

Aplications are invited for I Catch grants: ICATCH grants provide both financial and technical support to grant recipients who are developing and implementing a program or project that improves child health in their community. Priority is given to applicants fromlow-income and low-middle-income countries. Funding is $2000 per year for 3 years. ICATCH grants emphasize: Partnerships … Read more


Madhya Pradesh Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS – (MPNP+) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FROM ORGANIZATIONS WISHING TO REGISTER AS SUB-SUB RECIPIENTS (SSR) in Sagar and Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh) WITH ALLIANCE INDIA FOR Vihaan – A Global Fund Supported Programme I: Introduction: Alliance India (AI) as Principal Recipient (PR) has been awarded the Grant funded by Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis … Read more

ICSSR – Post-doctoral Fellowships

ICSSR – Post-doctoral Fellowships   are awarded to social science scholars with a high potential and promise for conducting research on specific themes and issues proposed by the applicants. These studies are accepted to contribute to theoretical and conceptual advancement in different disciplines, generate field work based empirical work and new data and are policy relevant. … Read more