India Partnership Programme

Applications are invited for India Partnerships Program (IPP) Funding Opportunity Number: APS-386-16-000001 Opportunity Category Explanation: Engage in new or to expand existing public and private sector partnerships for India in priority areas defined by the Government of India (GOI) and the United States Government (USG). Category of Funding Activity: Other (see text field entitled “Explanation … Read more

First Mile Innovation Challenge

Applications are invited for First Mile Innovation Challenge -Crowdsourcing solutions for global primary care Timeline 1. Letter of intent submission – due on January 10th, 2017 (Midnight EST) 2. Notification to applicants accepted for full proposal submission – January 19th, 2017 3. Submission of full proposals – due on February 15th, 2017 (Midnight EST) 4. … Read more


Madhya Pradesh Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS – (MPNP+) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FROM ORGANIZATIONS WISHING TO REGISTER AS SUB-SUB RECIPIENTS (SSR) in Sagar and Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh) WITH ALLIANCE INDIA FOR Vihaan – A Global Fund Supported Programme I: Introduction: Alliance India (AI) as Principal Recipient (PR) has been awarded the Grant funded by Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis … Read more


 CAMTECH-X JUGAADATHON Deadline: Dec 14, 2016 11:58 AM (EDT) Award: Become a CAMTech-X Ambassador CAMTech, in partnership with Lattice Innovations, is taking its successful model of medtech hack-a-thons and exponentially expanding its reach and impact across India. Through CAMTech-X Jugaadathon, CAMTech will hold simultaneous hack-a-thons across five cities to tackle one of India’s most pressing … Read more

New India Foundation Fellowships

New India Foundation Fellowships – The core activity of the New India Foundation are the New India Fellowships, awarded to scholars and writers working on different aspects of the history of independent India. From a large pool of several hundred applications, about twelve proposals are short-listed, with these candidates appearing before a jury. Each round, … Read more

India Partnerships Program – USAID

Funding Opportunity Number: APS-386-16-000001 Funding Opportunity Title: India Partnerships Program (IPP) Agency Name: India USAID-New Delhi Current Closing Date for Applications: Mar 31, 2017 Estimated Total Program Funding: Award Ceiling: $20,000,000 Award Floor: $1,000,000 India Partnerships Program – USAID Opportunity Category Explanation: Engage in new or to expand existing public and private sector partnerships for … Read more

How to Become NSDC Training Partner-2

NSDC Training partner continue… Funding and incentivising: In the near term this is a key role. This involves providing financing either as loans or equity, providing grants and supporting financial incentives to select private sector initiatives to improve financial viability through tax breaks, etc. The exact nature of funding (equity, loan and grant) will depend … Read more

How to Become NSDC Training Partner

Skill development: The challenge of skilling / up-skilling 150 million by 2022 requires both fundamental education reform across primary, secondary and higher education and significant enhancement of supplementary skill development. NSDC focuses primarily on supplementary skill development and strive to create seamless tracks within the education system. Foster private sector initiatives To strengthen supplementary skill development, NSDC … Read more

Weeden Foundation Grants

The next deadline for proposal submissions is Friday, August 5th, 2016. The Weeden Foundation Grants : The Foundation strongly encourages potential applicants to submit a letter of inquiry (via e-mail or regular mail) before presenting a complete proposal. We will respond to all such letters within a few weeks of receipt. Letters should reflect a … Read more

Unltd Seed Fund to develop as a Leader – How to Apply

Are you a start-up social entrepreneur with the passion and the drive to create positive social change? UnLtd India is just the launchpad to get you started! We offer three levels of support to early stage social entrepreneurs. To find out more, please click here. LEVEL 1 AND LEVEL 2 Applications for Levels 1 and … Read more